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Ship Warning : DreamNotFound (Dream X George).

Warning on sucky google translate Spanish. I'm sorry, I know small amounts of Spanish, and a little more Portuguese. Definitely no where close to fluent.


Quackity frowned slightly, gripping his hand a little bit tighter against the suitcases edge. "Yo, George?"

As much as Quackity questioned for George, his gaze wasn't set onto George. Instead, he stared towards the ground of the living room stuck in his thoughts with thousands upon thousands of questions. Quackity felt the sensation of someone looking at him - it was a weird feeling. Shivers, and just the knowing. "Yes? Are you rea-"

Quackity interrupted before George finished, "Are you... ya' know.." Quackity looked up to George, waving his hand slightly in the air allowing the sentence to hang loose.

George stood up next to the couch. His glasses were near falling to his face - it was a weird thing to note, but Quackity always questioned how they seemed to still stick there and not fall. George sighed, "Listen, Q, I know this is hard. Or, weird at least."

"Definitely more weird." Quackity let out a small laugh, maybe more from the nervousness he was feeling.

"Quackity, things will go fine. Karl, Sapnap, they're great. You are going to be fine." George attempted a reassuring smile, and walked a bit closer to Quackity.

Quackity pursed his lips, and gripped tighter to the bag, "Glad you can trust them. Since, you know, you guys are friends and all."

"Quackity stop being nervous. You're acting like a pussy." Dream hummed from the couch. Obviously the second line was a joke, and Quackity reacted as such, laughing with ease.

Quackity shook his head and pulled his suitcase further towards the front door, "Easy for you to say Dream. Like Gogy, you are close to those two."

Dream laughed, sitting a bit further up on the couch, "Quack, they will be great roommates. Be happy they even allowed you to come."

Quackity smiled and shook his head again, "That's fucked up."

"Probably the truth." George interrupted, smiling when Quackity did a dramatic broken hearted gasp, "Quackity we promise things will go well. Give it a bit there, alright? If you don't like it we can find someone else."

"Fuck you guys." Quackity laughed softly once more, and took another look at his bag before sighing, "Well, shit then. I got everything packed. I feel like a fucking college kid, kissing their parents goodbye before heading to the dorms."

Dream made some small kiss noises, and Quackity laughed again, "Holy fuck, I don't want it. Keep your lips to Gogy, and only him."

Dream and George joined in on the laughter, until things settled down in a weird silence. Quackity wouldn't say it was comfortable. More like an unprepared, knowing silence.

Quackity glanced around the room once more. Five months. Five months he spent his time at George's house. Occupying George's guest room. Finally feeling safe.

And now, here he was with his bags packed, ready to leave. George thought it was the best. And honestly, it probably was. Still, that didn't make Quackity feel so much better.

"I'll get the keys." George walked away from the living room, as Dream and Quackity made their way to the door.


The car pulled up into the driveway, and with the car engine being shut off, Quackity tapped his fingers against his leg. In the front seats, George and Dream chatted quietly for a few minutes.

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