𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩

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Warning : Sucky google translate

Warning : blood mention, vomit mention, etc

Question : I want to ask this before putting it in - it could add nothing to plot, or something, I'm unsure at the moment. Should I have Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity stream?

And thank you all so much for 200+ total viewers on this book!

Edit : I made a miniiii mistake, I fixed it! That's all!


The way the cat flipped around, chasing it's own tail and swatted at it as if it was a new evil discovery, made Sapnap's heart swoon. Something certain - Sapnap loved animals. Even if he didn't get a heads up on this, it still was amazing that Quackity got one.

"Holy shit he's so dumb," Quackity commented. Quackity grabbed onto a stick with a feather attachment and swayed it in front of the cat's face. It caught Tiger's eye, and he moved to the toy, completely forgetting his tail for the time being.

Sapnap smiled, watching the softness from Tiger and Quackity. "An adorable dumb cat."

"A stinky dumb kitty," Quackity hummed softly, allowing Tiger to attach himself to the toy, before having a mini fight for the ownership of the toy once more.

Sapnap smiled even more.

"I think I fallen in love with him," Quackity muttered. He glanced up to Sapnap and gave a small smirk before continuing, "You and Karl won't have my amazing ass anymore."

"What a pity," Sapnap rolled his eyes, and then the two boys laughed.

The moment was comforting to Sapnap. He couldn't state all the reasons why, but still, this moment was nice. He wished time would pause here for a few more minutes.

"HOLA, ME FRIENDS!" A shout came from the door, and Quackity glanced over, laughing slightly.

In walked three people. Tommy - a little brat, but, also not really a brat. With his messy blonde hair, and iconic red and white t-shirt, he acted like he owned the place. Tubbo, walked in a few seconds after Tommy, slightly tapping his hands together as he walked. He gave Sapnap and Quackity a slight wave. His brown hair was a lot neater, and he wore a simple green button up shirt, and jeans. Sapnap noticed something else about Tubbo, too - the fact he had two small horns slightly sprouting from his head.

Quackity seemed more interested in the cat compared to the kids.

Sapnap stood up, glancing to Karl for a second, "S-sorry, I'm watching them for the day."

"No, that's chill, I don't care. But is letting Tommy inside a house a good thing to do?" Sapnap glanced to Tommy, who was sending death daggers back.

"I'm sure they will both behave, right?" Karl looked at Tommy and Tubbo to confirm it, and only Tubbo gave a reassuring yes. Tommy sighed, and nodded his head slowly, before looking to Quackity, "BIG Q GOT A CAT AND TWO MEN."

Tommy ran towards Quackity, and Sapnap blocked it from there. Sapnap looked to Karl. The way Karl made him feel... lord.

Karl and Sapnap just took, awkwardly near each other. Maybe it was due to the knowledge they had to talk about something. Honestly, Sapnap dreaded it. He could only believe it would be a breakup. Sapnap couldn't locate anything else to talk about.

Or, maybe kicking Quackity out. But Karl didn't seem like he would do that, so that idea was quickly eliminated.

Karl bit onto his lip, "Guess we should go, right?"

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