𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪

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Author's note ; I posted the next part of Elite Academy, and the chapter where you can suggest your characters to be added. This will be the last time I mention that book in this one!

Author's note ; it's short, I'm sorry, but I'm making two chapters for this right now!


The day Sapnap got the message from Karl, he was absolutely unsure of it. In fact, so was Wilbur. But now, that a few weeks have passed and Sapnap knew he he was starting to like Quackity ( at least that's the most he would like to admit right now. ) and that Quackity was getting worse, he was completely against the idea of Quackity being here.

But it's too late for saying no to that.

And now that he sat at a table with Karl across from him, ( not really that ) prepared to talk about what happened. And what was going to happen. Mainly, their feelings about Quackity.

"You already know how I feel about him," Karl started, "I tried checking on him earlier but he now has a sign hung up outside his door saying ' don't come in unless you're dead, I'm dead, or someone is dead '. Which, I hate."

"I saw feathers in the bathroom," Sapnap mentioned, "I lot. I'm not sure if he is just shedding like a snake or..." Sapnap shook his head, "I don't want to think about it."

"You don't," Karl glanced away and closed his eyes for a second before looking back, "You really don't."

There was silence for a few seconds, and Karl looked towards the direction of Quackity's room, "I think we should get therapy for him."

"Yeah, it he takes it." Sapnap rolled his eyes, "He probably won't."

"Okay," Karl looked back to him, "I tried to have this conversation with you before. But you kind of always walked away before we could."

"Yeah?" Sapnap raised an eyebrow.

"Do you like Quackity? And if so, do you think we can add him to our relationship?"

Sapnap's face burned with both of those ideas. "I- Karl. You-"

"I'm serious." Karl smiled, "You know, I don't understand how I didn't connect pieces when I kissed him."

Sapnap blushed even more. "Listen, I think I might like him. And if I do, I'm so sorry."

Karl raised an eyebrow, "It's not bad. You don't need to apologize. And if you don't like him, that's okay. Bad, but okay."

Sapnap looked down to the ground. "So, what do we do? Walk in his room and just say date us?"

"That's demanding, and no." Karl crossed his legs on the chair he sat.

"And will us asking him to date us actually work? In like, curing his hanahaki and stuff?"

"Probably not. I think we both have to love him. And maybe tell him that? And maybe he also has to believe it? I'm unsure." Karl stood up. "Let's talk about this more tonight, and then tomorrow we can see if we can get him to join our relationship. Right now, I'm going to talk to him."

Karl moved away from the table and towards Quackity's room.

And Sapnap ignored the fact that his first thought to Karl's sentence was that he did love Quackity.

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