ℚ - 𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Warnings ; I'm sorry for this : )

Warnings ; Death ?

Warnings ; Choking and blood and suffocating

Warnings ; hallucinations

Author's notes ; Two point of views in one. So the Q is starting with Quackity, and the S is for the ending with Sapnap.

Author's note ; this isn't the end. But also please keep water with you as you read this.

🌻 ℚ𝕦𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕥𝕪

He couldn't stop thinking. Thinking and coughing. Thinking, coughing, and suffering. After being forced out, confessed to, requested to join the relationship. And that happened a week ago, but the events still played as if it was only today.

Now — let's get this straight ( well, he isn't ) he didn't want to die. Not even remotely. But he also couldn't find the purpose to join their relationship.

It was clear to him that Sapnap and Karl were fragile. At least with what they learned about Quackity. Adding to it, Quackity is completely aware he needs therapy - heck they all do - before he even considers going into a relationship. And how would Quackity even know that just joining the relationship would work?

Regardless, he was also ninety precent sure that Sapnap is lying.

Quackity reached over to one of the stuffed animals and pulled it towards his body, "This is it, huh?"

Schlatt took a seat on the bed, "You still can make it."

"But..." Quackity sighed, "It's not fair."

"I'm sorry," Schlatt whispered. "I'm so sorry. It's going to hurt."

"It already hurts," Quackity wrapped his arms tighter around the stuffed animal, "I can feel it. And I have to see you."

Schlatt stayed quiet.

Quackity just wished he never met Schlatt. Maybe, changing that one piece of his life, all the others wouldn't have happened. Would he have met Tubbo? Been traumatized to not join a relationship to save his life? Would he ever have met Sapnap and Karl?

Their faces lingered in his mind. The day they all sat on the couch, laughing. The day they were in the kitchen cooking food for the first time, jokingly flirting with each other.

What about Wilbur? One of his close friends. Would George blame himself for sending Quackity here?

Without realizing right away, he was crying. He didn't want to die. If life was more simple. All he had to do, was agree. It would have been a chance to live longer.

Quackity sat up, his hands shaking. "Do you know when..?"

"No." Schlatt looked towards him, and Quackity nodded slowly. He reached towards his phone, and turned it on. It was at a slow battery, but that didn't matter. He struggled to just open up his contacts, and he cursed when his fingers shook so much causing him to enter different numbers than he wanted.

Finally, he settled on Wilburs contact, and called. It dialed. Ringing in his hand, and almost slipping out of it.

Schlatt crossed his arms, "He's not going to answer.."

"No, he- he will."

He didn't answer. So Quackity called again, his hands shaking more, his breathing getting heavier, and more constricted. His phone continued to ring, and finally it stopped once more with no answer.

"Quackity-" Schlatt started, but Quackity glared to him, "Shut up. Third times the charm, right?"

So he called again. And with each ring, his hope faded more, until his phone shut off with nothing. In a fit of frustration, he threw his phone to the other side of the room, far into the darkness.

He coughed a bit, tears flooding his face, making his throat shut even more. "Quackity..." Schlatt stood up, "This..."

He went to say that he knew, but he couldn't. He struggled to keep his breath, so the idea of just trying to talk made him lightheaded. He could feel his body, his lungs get heavier. He was shaking, and god, it was so so cold. His ears slowly began to ring.

And he was afraid. Afraid of dying, afraid of being here, afraid of everything. And he let out his first cough. At first it was easy, a mouthful of petals coming up, and exploding through the air towards the floor.

Somewhere in his room he could hear his phone ring.

He let out another cough as his airway started to become restricted, his vision began to blur, and the ringing in his ears drowned out the ringing of the phone. He could imagine faces, and memories. Starting with Schlatt, the good and the bad. He cried within his coughing.

Then the headache. He coughed more, and more and more petals flooded out, but it never seemed like the end. He could now see Tubbo, Tubbo and Tommy.

His throat began to burn, and with the next cough, it was petals and blood. George, Dream, Techno. Wilbur.

Desperate, he coughed more, attempting to inhale but failing. His vision was fading to black, his hands pulling towards his throat and clawing for air. He choked and gagged up more petals and flowers, stems which cut his throat.

In the darkness of Quackity's room, he suffered, now suffocating with a disease, dying. In the darkness of Quackity's room, his cell phone rang.

🌻 𝕊𝕒𝕡𝕟𝕒𝕡

Sapnap just got in his car. He was prepared to go out to the store, get some groceries, then check on Quackity — as they started to do that every four hours, whether in person or by text message - then maybe attempt to make something and give it to Quackity.

Karl was out for the day for work. In the meantime, Sapnap would just do some chores. Just as he turned on the car, his phone started to ring.

Sapnap reached over and stared, blinking for a few seconds in confusion when he saw Wilburs name. They never called. Yet, something in him made his heart slowly drop, and his hands start to shake. He answered the phone.

"Quackity, Quackity, check— check on him-" Wilbur was breathing heavily, almost panicked.

And Sapnap was already out the car, his phone held tightly, "I'm going, what happened?"

"He called.. A lot, three times, I was fuckin' busy! Shit, I was busy— And now he isn't answering. FUCK."

It took Sapnap a few seconds to actually open the door.

"I'm driving over, right now." Wilbur stated.

Sapnap ran inside the house and towards Quackitys room. The door was locked. "Fuck!" He took a few steps back, and slammed his shoulder towards it. He attempted that a few more times, before taking a few steps back and attempting to kick it. It didn't work.

"Please, please, please," Wilbur whispered from the phone.

Sapnap looked around the room, and then ran towards the bathroom. Finding a few bobby-pins, he broke one, and ran back to Quackitys room, giving it one more kick in hope it would open. It still didn't. Quickly as he could, he worked on lock-picking the door. It took five seconds, but those were the longest five seconds.

Once the door was open, he turned on the light, searching and by the side of the bed was Quackity. He ran through the crunch of petals on the ground. Quackity was blue.

"Wilbur, I'm hanging up, I'm calling for an ambulance." He didn't give Wilbur time to reply, before he called the ambulance and gave their address, explaining the situation as quick as he could.

He turned to Quackity, and checked for a pulse. It was non-existent. Sapnap took a deep breath, and reached his fingers into Quackity's mouth, scooping out as much petals as he could, some stems impaling his fingers.

He pulled his fingers out, and started CPR on Quackity. Ninety pushes, blow air, repeat. And he continued that until Wilbur showed up, where Wilbur took over until the ambulance showed up.

The ambulance got Quackity, and then Sapnap and Wilbur stood. Stood in a room coated with petals and flowers.

"He's going to make it," Wilbur whispered.

"I hope so."

They didn't hear him, but Schlatt repeated that he was probably going to make it. Sapnap and Wilbur left the room and drove to the hospital.

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now