𝕂 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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Warning : Google translated Spanish, I'm so sorry-

Warning : Small meltdown.

Updated : to add picture.


Karl tilted his head further into Sapnaps arm, butterflies in his stomach. It was weird, any touch from Sapnap awoke butterflies. And whenever he thought all of them were fluttering, Sapnap seemed to prove otherwise, with touch or his voice. There was always a newfound heat or spark when he was with him. Recently, as much as there were some arguments, Karl felt hopeful. Things could be okay.

Karl glanced upwards, towards Sapnap. Sapnap was watching the movie, in total focus, genuinely interested. It made Karl feel happy and warm inside. Karl glanced over to Quackity, who also was watching the movie with some type of interest.

Quackity, Karl's new housemate. That was a weird term to call him, but saying guest was wrong. Quackity lived here for the time being.

Regardless, Karl was interested in the smaller male. Quackity sat on the other side of the couch, to give Karl and Sapnap space. Karl didn't mind that. He also wouldn't have minded if Quackity was next to them since Karl just likes cuddles in general. Whether they be by friends, or the even better, his boyfriend.

Quackity sat cross-legged, his arm leaning on the couch, his face on his arm. His tan skin was slightly glown blue from the tv screen, his brown eyes seemed to be semi-focused on the tv, but mainly Quackity seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

Karl noted the beanie on Quackitys head. It seemed comfortable.

Then, it seemed like almost the worst thing happened, when Quackity turned to look at who was staring at him. Karl offered a simple smile to Quackity, who gave him a slight look of confusion.

Quackity muttered a simple, "Eh?" And Karl smiled more, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to distract you."

Karl could feel Sapnaps arm give him a slight squeeze, and it seemed Quackity took note of that. "Lo siento, no quise ser la causa de los celos." [I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be the cause of jealousy]

Karl raised an eyebrow, "I don't fully understand that.. I'm sorry is the farthest I got."

"No need to worry." Quackity looked back over to the screen of the movie.

Karl only frowned slightly and glanced to Sapnap who shrugged.


When the movie was over, Karl was definitely tired. He was prepared to pass out in Sapnaps arms any second. Sapnap released his grip on Karl, so Karl could sit up. "Bed?"

"Yeah, I'll go put the trash away." Sapnap squeezed onto Karl's shoulder, very slightly, and just enough to make Karl feel so much safer. Karl looked over to Quackity, who was fast asleep on the couch.

"Quackity is asleep," Karl whispered.

Sapnap glanced over and then looked to Karl, "Wake him up, or keep him here with a blanket?"

Karl nodded, reaching over to one of the blankets they used, to throw over Quackity. Just as he grabbed it, Quackity slightly opened his eyes, "Hmm..?"

"Sorry to wake you, Quackity," Karl muttered softly, to not fully alarm Quackity. Quackity forced himself to sit up and looked around.

"Aw fuck, I fell asleep, huh?"

Sapnap chuckled slightly, and Karl nodded.

"No need to care for me, guys. I'll drag my big ass to bed." Quackity yawned, and stood up, "Buenas noches." [Good night.]

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