ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Tubbo, Tommy, and Karl were about to leave. But honestly- Quackity couldn't fully allow it yet. The entire day so far, was awkward glances between Tubbo and himself. And hell did that make him feel guilty.


Through the phone, when he heard Tubbo speak, Quackity wanted it to not be the boy he was thinking of. When Tubbo stated his name, Quackity hoped even more that it wasn't him. That Tubbo.

And yet, when Tubbo showed up at the door, Quackity still didn't want to believe it. Quackity could only stare, in disbelief and in amazement.

Tubbo had his horns.

Sure, that was horrifying to note, but was that Tubbos fault? No, Tubbo wasn't to blame for that.

"Tubbo, before you go-" Quackity started out, Karl and Sapnap glanced over in confusion, but Tubbo nodded his head, knowing were this conversation would lead.

"I'll be back," Tubbo walked over to Quackity, and they lowered their voices so the others wouldn't hear.

Quackity bit onto his lips.

Tubbo was his son. Well, not son biologically, more a younger sibling who Schlatt adopted, which still makes him his son. Quackity could see every memory of Schlatt through Tubbo. And Quackity hated how Tubbo could possibly see the same from Quackity.

Quackity only eyed the slight scars on Tubbos skin. On Tubbos face. And Quackity could feel his own scars burn. How badly could these memories resurface in a comforting way?

"I'm sorry," Quackity choked out. The words were so difficult to say, yet the flowed through his mouth with such ease. Quackity hardly said those words, in full meaning. But what else was Quackity to say? It's nice to see you out of that abusive environment, Tubbo! How you doin after your dads death?

Tubbo rubbed onto his arm.

Quackity knew Tubbo took blame for the situation, so Tubbo would probably not say something in return. Quackity hated how Tubbo thought he was the cause of it. It wasn't Tubbos fault.

Quackity took a deep breath, "Are- D-do you have a better family now?"

"I don't have a family, Q." Tubbo whispered.

Quackity wanted to kill everyone. Tubbo didn't have a family?

"W-what..?" Quackity still couldn't believe it.

Tubbo glanced to the ground, "I'm more a free child. Traded off from person to person. Tommy, sure, I can consider him some type of family. But, I don't have a home, a true family, or anything like that. After... him... I was more left alone."

"Tubbo, I- I don't know what to say," Quackity pursed his lips, and held onto Tubbo. It was a completely random hug, and Tubbo immediately melted into it.

Quackity could hear Tubbo whisper a few simple words that broke Quackity in a way he couldn't quite explain. "I missed you, Quacks.."

Quackity couldn't stop thinking about that moment from a month or so ago. Repeat, constant loop. It was as if his mind was trying to tell him something.

Even if it was trying to say what Quackity thought it was trying to say, he would need to talk that over to Sapnap and Karl. And, Quackity would need to start saving money. Quackity would probably need to move out too..

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