ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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Warning : Bad google translate! It was even more sucky translating today compared to other days-


Author Note : So, from here on we are getting more Quackity POVs. Of course - not all the rest will be Quackity, we will still have some for Sapnap and Karl.


Quackity strummed his fingers down the strings of the guitar. The melody filled the air, all around his room. Quackity was in his head, in his room, alone, with the guitar and calming music.  Quackity finished the music, breathing roughly.

Sometimes he forgot how much energy it pulled from him. His fingers burned slightly from how much he played.


Quackity needed to start playing more. Who knew a few weeks of no practice would make it this tiring?

"Woah! Q, you are so amazing at playing it!" His phone chimed.

Quackity smiled, glancing to the facetime screen of his phone. Tubbo. Quackity and Tubbo recently started to call once or twice a week, or whenever they had stupid facts to share. Quackity was probably another king of bees by now thanks to Tubbo.

Tubbo's eyes were practically shining.

Quackity smiled, and glanced to his guitar. He placed it down, "Gracias. Debo admitir que extraño tocar para ti y.. para él." [Thank you! I must admit I miss playing for you and... for him.] Quackity stared deeper at the guitar.

"Dad enjoyed hearing you play it.." Tubbo muttered, "Yo extraño...." [I miss...] Tubbo trailed off and Quackity could hear the slight whimpering from the young boy.

Quackity glanced up. He could see Tubbo running one of his hands through his air, pausing at his horns and ears, while the other hand squeezed his bee plush. Tubbo looked so deeply in thought, near tears.

Quackity remained quiet. I miss him too. Not the him Quackity left. The him Quackity went to. Of course, his feelings have limited since he found Sapnap and Karl. Or at least his feelings were more relaxed to say. Or come to terms with.

How do you easily get over the first person you fell in love with? They always hold a special place in your heart.

On another note - Quackity was quite happy that Tubbo could speak and understand Spanish. Schlatt and Quackity did well on something at least.

"I miss the old him." Quackity laughed softly, "You know - not the chuck bottles, scream the head off him."

"Oh I swore if I caught him one more time he would die," Tubbo snickered in such a pitiful way, "Lástima que murió por sus propias manos." [Too bad he died by his own hands.]

Quackity held back a harsh laugh, "Holy- I was so sure you would've killed him if he didn't change."

"He didn't bother changing, Q." Tubbo sighed softly, "I vowed to never be like him. Well, drunk, you know?"

"That makes sense, but I'm sure you won't end up like that Tubbo. Yet again, it's better to know your own boundaries." Quackity moved towards his phone, and grabbed it, readjusting it very carefully. "You used to hate me, Tubs."

"I'm glad you still went through my shitty behavior," Tubbo smiled.

Quackity groaned, "Holy fuck, sure, you're getting close to becoming an adult, but don't swear! No bad words, Tubbo!"

"What are you, my mom?"

Quackity glanced to the camera and Tubbo laughed, "Wait, wait, nevermind! Don't answer it, don't answer it!" Tubbo said.

Quackity laughed.

This was nice. Everything about this moment was nice.

"Huh-?" Tubbo glanced away from the screen, "Oh! Alright! Just give me a quick second, please!"

Quackity raised an eyebrow, as Tubbo looked back over, "Okay, Quacky. I have to go to dinner, I really hope you have a good week, alright?"

Quackity nodded, "I hope you have a good week too, Tubbo. Bye!"

Tubbo hung up the call.

Quackity only stared at the screen for a few seconds longer until it dimmed, and then turned off. Now he was alone.

It didn't feel right.

Quackity turned on his bed, frowning.

He didn't want to stay here.

He traced his hands down his face. Down his scar. Everything tingled.

He wanted to go hug Sapnap and Karl. But yet again - he couldn't. After that conversation, he couldn't.

"Hey, Big Q, you feeling alright?" Karl peeked into Quackity's room, eyeing at Quackity.

Quackity hummed in replacement for yes.

Karl sighed, walking further in the room, "Quackity, if you ever need someone to talk to.."

"I got Wilbur, George, Dream, and for fucks sake - Tubbo. I'm fine, Karl." Quackity sat up, and Karl chewed on his inner lip.

Karl nodded, "Fair, fair.. I just..."

"I'm sorry, Karl. But can you please leave me alone?"

Karl sighed and nodded once more, very slowly, "Alright, yeah, I- I can, I c- I will." Karl backed away, and stood at Quackity's doorway for another moment, "My offer still stands, Ducky."

Karl closed Quackity's door, and Quackity could hear the footsteps slowly fade away.

Fucking great.

Quackity was here, becoming an entire idiot.






Is there a reason behind it, Q?



nothing at all, just need to visit a frienf and get my midn off things, ya knwo?


Stop by whenever

Just careful, since, Tommy and all


Quackity smiled, and dropped his phone by the side of him. One night freedom. Freedom of himself and his feelings.

He felt so sick right now. Karl and Sapnap running through his head made him feel so terrible. His lungs struggled to inhale, his mind heart, his heart shot pangs out. It was a struggle.

Hopefully one night away would fix things up.

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