ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Warning : This chapter is like full angst. Minus maybe the beginning, I haven't started writing it, but I just know it will be at least 75% angst

Warning : Schlackity (I will trigger warning ships, not people-)

Warning : Piles and piles of Quackity flashbacks. Some perhaps good, others are slaps on the face

Warning : Alcohol, abuse, blood, manipulation

Warning : Puking, gore, arguments

Warning : Implied sex, implied rape

Warning : Sucky google translate

Warning : LONG AS HELL CHAPTER | 21 parts left to do, 7000s words | 10 parts left, 11100 words | FINISHED WITH 15,000 WORDS!

Author note : Happy officially 1,000+ total reads!

Author's note : Please, there is so much going on this chapter, if I missed a trigger, please alert me! I will gladly add it as fast as possible!

Authors note: Italics are memories, just a reminder!


I met you.

"Holy shit! Sorry buddy, I swear I didn't mean to hit you-" Quackity laughed nervously, rubbing his hands on his pants to straighten himself out. He glanced up and his eyes met him. The man who would change his life.

Quackity's heart skipped a beat. Already, this man was incredibly attractive. Messy brown hair with large curly horns coming out. A shirt messy thrown on. A stubble under his chin. Goat ears, with golden hoops hanging down. Light skin, and mainly.. his eyes. Brown disfocused eyes. Quackity could feel himself drowning in the color.

"Ya' gonna get up, or continue lyin' on the ground like a pleading dog?" The man stared down at Quackity, and Quackity quickly stumbled around to get himself to stand. The man laughed.

"Jschlatt," The man introduced, as he offered a hand to Quackity. Quackity took it and stood up.


"Nice to meetcha. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a school meeting to attend to. Maybe we can talk more another time, Pumpkin." Schlatt walked down the hall, and Quackity watched him disappear from sight.

A friend at first.

"Gogy, that's so fucking rude," Quackity reached to grab his beanie, but George tossed it over to his friend Dream.

Quackity had chances of getting his beanie back from George, but from Dream? No way. That guy was like ten feet taller than him. Quackity wanted to give up and pull out some autotune.

Fortunately, it seemed like someone understood the situation. "Let's not go takin things from people who aren't yours."

Dream jumped from the new person, Schlatt. Schlatt smiled, and snatched the beanie from Dreams hands. "I think I have someone to return this to."

Schlatt walked over to Quackity, and fixed the beanie onto his head. Quackity smiled, and stuck his tongue out to the other two males. George scoffed.

Out of a sudden it seemed the world went against Quackity. His beanie was tugged off and tossed back over to Dream. Schlatt betrayed him.

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