𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Warnings ; thinking of someone dying

Warnings ; Internalized unacceptance and negative talk? Not sure what to label it as.

Warnings ; fluffy-ish and angsty, and short, I'm sorry-

Author's Note ; Happy New Years, and Christmas for those who celebrate them or both! If not, I hope you had a great week, day, or anything else!

Author's note ; I'm in a writer's blockkk and unhappy with this chapter—  and might have covid— win win win


Karl pulled the gear to park, and let out a sigh. Sapnap sat there, his arms crossed, and staring ahead at the sun which is slowly setting. They would be home together, alone, but not actually, but it certainly would feel lonely without Quackity home. But it was better this way.

Better for Quackity's health.


Still, Sapnap had an unresting guilt in his gut. Something he could but couldn't explain. He felt terrible for all the issues he gave Quackity when Quackity had his own horrible issues. For all Sapnap knew, he was worsening it.

And he had a weird feeling about it too. He had a feeling that Karl's vision was what started it. That because Karl saw it, and said it, and that it made Sapnap and Karl worried so they spent more time with Quackity, made the vision come true. He was also ashamed that he didn't see it sooner despite saying he would make sure it wouldn't happen.

He cared about Quackity. He cared about him so deeply, in ways that Sapnap didn't want to acknowledge. No, didn't understand, haha, Sapnap was just overthinking it.

He cared so much - friendship wise - that the idea of Quackity dying brought tears to his eyes. And that was the slight idea, Sapnap wasn't deeply diving into it.

"Sapnap, the car is stinking," Karl tapped Sapnap's shoulder, and Sapnap brought himself to reality. And sure enough, he actually was crying. And the car smelled of burning plastic. Which made his notice his fingers were burning into the cars dashboard.

"S-shit, sorry Karl," Sapnap forced himself to think of something else so he would stop burning it.

Karl reached over, and touched Sapnap's hand, winced, but squeezed anyways, "It's fine. I'll be back, okay?"

Sapnap pulled his hand out the grasp, "You burned yourself."

"It doesn't hurt. At least not that bad," Karl kissed Sapnap's forehead briefly, "I'll be back, okay?"

He nodded and Karl opened up the door, and left to go in the house. It didn't feel like more than a minute before Karl was back, at Sapnap's door. He opened up the door, "C'mon Sapnap, come here."

"You make me sound like a fuckin' lost dog." Sapnap smiled, but got up and out the car, and wrapped his arm around Karl's shoulders. Karl placed a blanket around them. "I feel terrible for burning you."

"You should feel terrible for having your arm around my shoulders like that," Karl snorted, and walked them towards the house, "I feel like we are back in high school and closeted."

"Psh," Sapnap shook his head and reached for the door handle, "Before we talk, I am getting some burn cream for you."

"I'm spoiled," Karl smiled, "What can I say."

They headed inside, Karl taking a seat on the couch and Sapnap wandering over to the medicine cabinet to grab some burn cream. He brought it back to the couch and adjusted the blanket he wore on his shoulders around Karl too. He opened up the jar, "Fuck, we need to get another one soon."

"You've gotten better at controlling it," Karl muttered.

"I just burned you, what do you mean?" Sapnap took a bit of the remaining cream and picked up Karl's hand, carefully rubbing it in.

Karl bit on his lip, and winced for a second before sighing, "I don't have blisters. And it's been a while. Even during our fights."

"I'm just... worried," Sapnap finished up, and closed the jar.

Karl glanced over, "Worried, huh? About Quackity?"

"Yeah. This must be torture for him, and to think we're the cause of it... I just want him to be okay, and for him to be safe and unharmed and shit. It's not fair." Sapnap frowned, placing the jar down on the couch and rested down on Karl's shoulder.

Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap, "I like him, Sapnap."

"I know," Sapnap whispered.

"And I think, I mean, everyone thinks you like him too," Karl squeezed tighter on Sapnap, but he didn't fully notice that. Everyone thinks that he likes Quackity? Well, he doesn't. Not at all.

Sapnap readjusted himself, shaking his burning face, "No, I don't. I love you, and sure I definitely care more about Quackity than a lot of other people, but not even remotely as much as I care about you."

"We also knew each other since we were young. We met Quackity recently." Karl poked at Sapnap's side, and he shifted away.

"I..." Sapnap sighed, "I still don't like him as I like you."

"Sapnap, I don't know how you are truly feeling, although I am pretty sure I do know, but anyways, I don't. If you don't like him how you like me, that's cool." Karl paused for a second and then sighed, "I like him, I think I could possibly love him. But, I also love you Sapnap, my feelings for you haven't remotely changed. But, in general, my feelings between you and Quackity are different from one another. Because you are two different people. I don't have the same exact feelings about you two, but I know they are both romantic love."

"How does that work?" Sapnap scoffed.

Karl shrugged, "I don't know, but I know that's how I feel. I'm human, we're human."

"It..." Sapnap looked up to Karl and frowned, "I need to go. For... a moment. Calm down, then we can cuddle and talk about this tomorrow. A lot happened."

"Alright," Karl let go of Sapnap, and he got up. Immediately he travelled away, wherever his body was taking him.

Quackity's room. With a stuffed monkey and a mess of papers around the room. And now, with knowing the truth, Sapnap frowns as he stares at the trash can and around the area. A bunch of crumpled dried petals. Quackity's torture.

It wasn't right.

It was wrong. Just, wrong.

Sapnap dropped on the bed, in a fit of tears.

Yeah, the fact that Quackity was being tortured away because of Karl and him. Tortured because Sapnap couldn't man up. But he couldn't. People were meant to find the one. Not the two, three, ten, forty. The one.

His parents were accepting, Karl was too, but that didn't change what was there. He was with Karl. He couldn't be with two since it didn't make sense.

So, he will deny his feelings.

At least, until he could work through it.

And Quackity could die because of that.


And as he walked back to Karl, the words slipped out before he could manage to hold them in, "Karl. I'm afraid."

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now