𝕂 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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Warning ; oo uh, kind of heavily sex implied, wet (sex) dreams sorta thing.

Warning ; the word 'porn'

Warning ; a short chapter, I'm so sorry :(

Author's note ; i choked on my spit :( pain


Karl had an issue.

A major issue he needed to tell someone about - preferably Sapnap or Quackity, but yet again maybe neither. He knew what was going on, but everything in him didn't want to actually notice it. After all, if you ignore your issues long enough, they go away.

And then come back full speed with a big iron hammer to break your kneecaps.

But Karl was slightly willing to deal with that risk.

Slightly willing.

And he was going to not go through the risk, he was going to talk about it to Sapnap and Quackity during breakfast, but... he couldn't. His voice box said no, his mind said no. So he retook the petal, stuffed it in his pocket, and occasionally ran his fingers across it to think.

His search history was messed up.

His visions sparked it. What started with visions of Quackity in the bathroom, coughing up petals, sent him to a different end. And Karl wasn't sure if his sex drive jumped a few paces during the night, or if they were just future things at first. But by now, he knew his sex drive wasn't jumping.

So when he tried to talk this morning, all he could see was Quackity kneeling down in front of Sapnap. It was all he could hear. The only thing he brain focused on. And he didn't like that too much.

And of course, that wasn't the only dream like that.

Regardless - his search history was not for porn. It was instead for the other side of his visions. The Quackity in the bathroom side of things.


Karl's fingers ran back over the petal in his pocket.

It wasn't true. Quackity didn't have that. It was fictional. Regardless, Karl was starting to crush on him. So, that would have to do something.

But his eyes didn't lie to him last night. When he woke up due to Quackity's coughing and gagging, and he quickly got up to reach for a water bottle, only to pause when the coughing stopped. When he reached back over to check on Quackity, there was something on the blanket.

His eyes didn't lie.

Karl looked up to Quackity, who was tossing pillows at Sapnap, both of them laughing.

Yeah, there was no way it was true. After all, Quackity was laughing, smiling, seemingly happy. Maybe his eyes did lie.

Maybe his visions lied.


"Quackity, how did you get your scar?" Almost the second he said it, regret filled in. The happy mood Quackity and Sapnap had disappeared.

Quackity paused, staring at Karl, his smile melting. And even when Sapnap tossed the pillow he had back to Quackity, and it hit him in the face, it didn't change the obvious nervousness on his face. It only made him laugh slightly, and grab onto the pillow and toss it back to Sapnap, his eyes not meeting Karl's.

"Oh, uh, it was an accident," Quackity very carefully headed to the couch, "I was throwing knives."

Karl slowly nodded, "Not to get... personal..." He slowly shifted in his seat and sat up more, "Was it Schlatt?"

Quackity took a deep breath, his eyes now meeting Karl's, "I either have the shittest memory, or, I have never said his name."

Karl remained silent.

"It doesn't matter." Quackity grabbed onto Sapnap to pull him into a cuddle.

"I'm sorry for asking," Karl followed along to Sapnap and Quackity to join them cuddling.

Sapnap wrapped his arms around them both. "If it was your ex, I'm sorry you went through that. You really shouldn't have had to gone through it."

"I pissed him off. It's fine. At least he's dead, right?" Quackity laughed, but Karl could tell it was a desperate attempt to calm his nerves, "Regardless, I really should get checked out for my memory."

No, he didn't need to. Karl had a vision of what happened to him. And now, Karl was stuck knowing that the hanahaki visions he had about him, are more likely true.

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