𝕂 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩

2.9K 133 152

Warning ; breakdown

Author's note ; yes


Karl's hand remained tightened around Sapnap's. It was the only thing keeping him still, calm, cool, and collected. Or, as still, calm, cool, and collected as he could be with what happened.

He had to say, he was confused. He saw this happen, yes, maybe not all of it, but he seen it nonetheless. However, he saw other things. What about Quackity dying? Or him and Sapnap knocking on the bathroom door and panicking, only seeing a very broken Quackity? And if this was over one-sided love, Quackity should be over his hanahaki.

Karl has feelings for him. Maybe not pure love, like what Quackity was facing, but time should show that Karl would soon have that love for him. And as much as Sapnap denied it, he did too.

Was the disease based off Quackity's thoughts? If he felt unloved, or wasn't sure, did it continue to grow, worsen, and kill him? Did Sapnap and Karl have to be head over heels in love right now, at the same time? Or did hanahaki not care whatsoever?

He hoped that Quackity would be okay. Would live. And get therapy. After all, this whole hanahaki thing had to be traumatizing. And the memories he saw of Schlatt and Quackity had to be. Quackity needed therapy.

Heck, they all needed therapy after today.

Sapnap squeezed Karl's hand tighter, and Karl brought himself back to reality, rather than his thoughts. Now, everyone at the table was silent. Karl and Sapnap sat next to each other. And on the left of Karl, there was Tubbo, then Tommy, than Techno, then Philza. Niki had to rush to go home for some reason that Karl blanked out, since he was too busy thinking of the graphic scene of earlier. How Quackity's face turned red while he nearly suffocated, or how the blood poured out his mouth in waterfalls, mixed with his saliva and tears. His brain was very graphically over-exaggerating what happened. Or that truly happened as bad as he remembered.

Sapnap slightly elbowed Karl once more, and Karl returned. At the doorway, actually heading to the final one seat left was Wilbur and Quackity. With it, Quackity and Wilbur muttered something to one another, and then Quackity took a seat while Wilbur went to grab another. There was a few seconds of silence, and then Quackity started to speak, "Uh, Wilbur, could you get an extra chair?"

"What? Why?" Wilbur was already bringing a chair over, but when Quackity gave a slight shrug, Wilbur sighed and turned to grab another chair. The two chairs were also placed at the table. When everyone was settled down, there was tons of awkward silence.

Karl just stared at Quackity. How did he seem so normal, so calm, and just act like he wasn't actively dying every passing second? He had such a good act on, that even right now, it just seemed Quackity was beyond exhausted. As if he pulled a very bad three day all nighter, was suffering from sleep deprivation, was maybe hallucinating. Really, it was Quackity's eye bags, his slouched posture, and how he was so very pale. Maybe from sickness, or not seeing light in ten years.

"Well then. Today we all gathered for the near funeral for Quackity. His love life. And the concern of his friends, and the two people who clearly like him but are denying it," Tommy started out. Wilbur snorted, as did Tubbo, and Philza shook his head. On the other hand, Sapnap hissed out a denial, and Quackity smiled.

"I'm not denying it," Karl whispered softly.

Sapnap glanced at Karl very quickly, and Karl shrugged, "Probably should have talked to you first. So... can we talk when we get home?" Sapnap nodded.

"Okay, correction, one love denial." Tommy leaned back in his seat, and crossed his arms.

Tubbo chewed on his lip, while picking at one of his horns, "I've seen you go through a lot of shit. I mean, we both have, but I think this tops the cake."

Quackity smiled, "It does." Then he glanced to the empty seat and gave a quick glare and whispered something. A few people at the table raised their eyebrows, but Quackity quickly acted normal once more.

"Me and Sapnap are worried about you, and we are sorry about what's going on. So, I think that maybe you will do better with some space from us," Karl traced his finger on the table.

"Do we know if space will work?" Quackity questioned, "What if it worsens it?"

"I mean if that happens, isn't there the possibility of surgery?" Tommy recommended.

Philza glanced to Tommy, "That would make him possibly remove the ability to like people, make him forget Karl and Sapnap, or some other hidden side affects. That's also if he actually lives through the surgery. So, I don't think that's a good idea. But good try."

"It might actually be a good idea. He wouldn't date any more Schlatt's," Techno shrugged, and very carefully swirled a spoon in some drink. Which for some reason, Karl was very sure was just a glass of water.

"Yeah, please no more Schlatt's," Tubbo's eyes very carefully dropped down to the ground.

Sapnap frowned, "Me and Karl are not Schlatt's." Karl nodded. He and Sapnap were not abusive butts in any shape way or form. Sure, they had some small toxic traits, but everyone did. Karl, being overbearing - was that the word to use? He did send over fifty messages at a time to Quackity when he didn't even like him as much as he did now -, and Sapnap being very very pushy. But, they were working on it in situations. They weren't Schlatt toxic.

Quackity nodded, "Yeah, I planned for no more Schlatt's." There was a pause, "Okay, shut up. This conversation isn't about you."

"Who are you talking to?" Tubbo asked. Tommy laughed, whispering 'what the fuck' under his breath.

Quackity only smiled to Tubbo, "No one. Just myself, ignore it."

Wilbur carefully looked to Karl and Sapnap, then Tubbo, then to Quackity. He sighed softly, "I think his hanahaki has gotten fucking bad, because I think he's hallucinating his dead ex like he did that one day you texted me." He looked to Sapnap, and then back to Quackity, whose smile very slowly melted. Karl didn't know what to say. That must be horrible, why didn't Quackity say anything?

Tubbo carefully stood up, his chair scratching on the ground, "You what?"

"That was a one day thing," Quackity defended. He gave a quick stare to the chair next to him, and when he did that, Sapnap's grip on Karl's hand loosened up. "Okay a three day thing. Maybe a week thing. But it's fine, it's not that bad. He might remind me of shitty times, but, when you're focused on the fact your life will be probably ending shortly, and you spend a bit of time on the toilet coughing flowers and focusing on that, it's not terrible."

"I..." Tubbo took a deep breath, "I need to go." And with that, Tubbo quickly exitted the room. And Tommy got up to follow along, but he didn't say a word.

There was silence. And then Techno chuckled, "Awkward. Schlatt wasn't even invited to this hanahaki party."

"When has he ever been invited to something? He shows up with an invite, or without," Wilbur joked along.

Sapnap blinked a few times, staring at everyone at the table, "What the fuck? How is this not concerning to you guys? What the fuck is he doing?"

"Oh, uh," Quackity looked back to the empty seat, "He's doing nothing now, since you're curious. But he was complaining, yelling, kicking his feet on the table and picking Philza's nose." He was silent for a moment, "You decided to do that, not me. I didn't tell you to go and do that."

"Well, that explains the invisible ice cream," Wilbur shrugged.

Quackity smiled, and then it slowly melted. He carefully stood up and slurred and muttered out about needing to go to the bathroom. And then he coughed.

Quackity quickly exitted the room. Karl was quick to stand up too, to follow him.

"I had a bucket ready and everything," Techno sighed, watching Wilbur, Sapnap and Karl leave to make sure Quackity was okay.

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