𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Warning ; oops sorry again but this time no take backs hahah

Warning; sucky google translate

Warning ; Hospital and machines

Author's note ; I'm tired, I'm sorry chapters are taking long, life is fun and cool haha



Sapnap paced. Across the waiting room, from one end to another while he waited for Karl to come — Wilbur was the one to actually call Karl, since all Sapnap could think of was what if Quackity didn't make it?

What if Quackity was gone by the time Sapnap entered the room? That was probably unlikely, since he started CPR as quickly as he could manage. And since now he has emergency surgery being preformed to hopefully help him.

Sapnap continued pacing, and as he turned around, there stood Karl. He let out a breath, his body slightly relaxing as he walked over to him. Karl remained quiet but rested his head on Sapnaps shoulder, before picking it back up and walking towards Wilbur.

While the two of them talked, Sapnap continued his pacing, hoping that Quackity would come out alive.


Sapnap stopped his pace when a doctor came by, and already his heart was sinking. For a split second he felt like he knew exactly what the doctor would say. That Quackity is dead.

And with each step, Sapnaps hands shook more and more, until finally the doctor stopped by the three of them. "You're Quackity's family, right?"

"Oh- yeah, yeah," Wilbur nodded.

The doctor wrote something on the clipboard he was carrying, "Well, Quackity is out of surgery and in recovery. Unfortunately, we didn't get to remove enough of the problem as we wanted. And with the... current situation, he will only regrow what we removed, and soon we won't be able to operate on him."

Sapnap nearly hugged the doctor, but contained himself, "Can we go see him?"

"Of course," The doctor motioned for the three of them to follow him, and they walked along hallways, until finally the doctor stopped in front of a room, "Here is his room. He may not be awake yet, and we still want to monitor him to make sure the oxygen loss of earlier didn't effect him too much."

"Alright, thank you," Wilbur walked into the room.

Just as the doctor went to turn away, Karl looked up, "What's the chances of him actually waking up? Or him surviving in general?"

The doctor looked towards Karl, and thought very carefully on what to say, "He is likely to get up very shortly." After saying that, he walked off.

Karl looked to Sapnap, "I'm going to get some flowers and candy for him."

Sapnap nodded his head, and then walked into the room. Wilbur sat on one of the chairs close enough to the bed but not the one right next to it. And of course, there on the bed, was Quackity. IV's, and other wires dangling off his body and into various machines. His eyes remained shut, and there was a tube leading in his mouth to give him oxygen.

Sapnaps heart stung seeing this, he took a deep breath and walked to the closest seat to Quackity, and reached to hold his hand.

"I just told Tubbo. And George. And Sam. I figured the news would spread." Wilbur placed his phone in his lap, and leaned back in his seat, "Good for me, going on a date and nearly getting Quackity killed for it."

Sapnap looked over, "It's not your fault. We knew it was going to happen any day, me and Karl should have checked on him more often. It sucks that it had to happen today. But he is going to make it."

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