𝕂 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Warning : gore

Warning : cough / gag / vomit mentioning

Warning : blood

Warning : breakdown


"Well, no, I wouldn't say that. I only stated that bees are friendly if you don't bug them."

"Yeah? Well explain the fact the dickhead just fucking attacked me! I could have died."

"Y-you wouldn't! You're not allergic to them! And you can't expect to go swinging your arms like a lunatic and not get stung!"

"It fucking hurt! It should have said something, Big T! The bee is clearly at fucking fault, not me."

"Tommy, if some random creature started swinging their body around like a lunatic, wouldn't you want to protect yourself?"

"It's a bee. Holy fuck - it's bound to die anyways!"

"You're bound to die too!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Karl grabbed onto his drink, taking a sip. How did he get here again? Right, Philza decided he needed to do some shopping but he had two children he could not bring to the store. One of them - was kicked from majority of stores in the area, and the other one was a bundle package with the first.

Tubbo and Tommy.

The best friends since practically birth. Well - not really, but Karl couldn't recall a moment where Tommy wasn't friends with Tubbo. Well, minus the major fights they have. Those sometimes cause a split of friendship for a week or two before they realized how much fun the other was. Or, whatever they realiz-


Karl stood behind Sapnap, as Sapnap knocked against the bathroom door. Just seconds prior, they watched Quackity run out of his room and slam the bathroom door shut. It was worrying. Karl didn't feel okay. He knew the second this door opened, he would see something he would wish to take back.

Sapnap knocked again, "Quackity, answer me before I knock this door down, please."

Karl and Sapnap went back to silence, trying to listen in on whatever was going on inside. They could hear coughing, gagging, and crying. Karl could imagine Quackity's hitched breaths, and his struggle. But Karl couldn't imagine what Quackity's struggle was.

Karl was becoming beyond scared. Quackity's weight loss, Quackity's sunken cheeks and eyes, the way Quackity dodged them in general.

"Quackity, you have three seconds, please let us know you're okay," Sapnap slightly backened from the door, ready to run into it.

"P-p-ple-please l-le, p-please leave m-me a-al, alone," A voice choked out.

Karl could feel his heart break. Quackity sounded so broken. As if he had given up. Karl was more concerned. Sapnap glanced to Karl, raising an eyebrow to question. Karl could only simply nod his head, allowing Sapnap to break down the door.

Sapnap slammed his body against the door one time. It didn't work, but the door rattled and struggled to hold. Sapnap backed away slightly, and slammed his body into it a second time. The door rattled more, and they could hear the door tearing away.

Karl could slightly hear Quackity panic in the room.

Sapnap backed once more, and hit against the door. This time, the door gave free, slamming open and hitting the wall, most likely leaving a permanent mark on the wall.

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