𝕂 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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Today was the day. That's what Karl and Sapnap decided last night, as they ate crackers and watched the television.

So now, they ( they meaning Karl, Sapnap and Quackity ) sat on the couch, a bunch of blankets with them and a bucket at the ready a few feet away.

It was more quiet if anything. A lot of awkwardness as Karl didn't know what to say, and neither did Sapnap. Plus, Quackity had no clue why he was forced to sit out here, so he couldn't be expected to know how to start this conversation.

Sapnap gave Karl a little nudge, and Karl shrugged to say he didn't know what to do. Sapnap motioned to Quackity as if to say just say something. Karl opened his mouth but no words came out so he closed it.

"Awkward," Quackity said, "Especially since you two are acting like I can't obviously see your mentioning me."

"Sorry, we don't know where to start." Sapnap admitted.

"Start somewhere. Humour helps." Quackity shrugged, "Or you could just be completely blunt about it."

Karl smiled, "I don't think I can make jokes right now."

"It's easy to do. Just blurt something out and hope it's funny," Quackity sat up more and crossed his legs, "I would make jokes but I don't have much to joke about. Unless you want to consider my life. That has been a really big joke."

Sapnap slightly snorted before immediately slapping a hand to his mouth, "I shouldn't laugh at that."

"No, you should." Quackity smiled, "It's also completely unbelievable how you know I had a crush on you and Karl but couldn't figure out I was coughing my affection for you two. I feel like that was more obvious."

"I thought you were just horny whenever you went to the bathroom, okay?" Sapnap shook his head.

With it Quackity smiled brightly, "Horny for you and Karl or for Wilbur? I feel like then you probably assumed it was for Wilbur."

"Well, now I know it isn't for him." Sapnap crossed his arms.

Quackity shrugged, "I mean, it's never too late to find out I was actually in love with Wilbur, right?"

"I sure hope not, since I'm in love with you," Sapnap said, and immediately after he said it his smile faded and he blushed, "Oh, fuck— I didn't— uhm.."

"Ooo, Sapnaps got a crush," Karl poked at Sapnaps shoulder. Sapnap blushed more, and with it, Karl looked to Quackity who got quiet.

"Are... are you okay?" Karl questioned.

"Uhm," Quackity laughed softly, "Two love confessions in two days, I must be popular!"

Sapnap looked to Karl, raising an eyebrow, which Karl only gave a small smile to. Sapnap turned back. "I would like to say I don't actual—"

Karl slapped his hand across Sapnaps mouth, "What he means is we have been thinking about this for a while. We have been thinking about adding someone to our relationship, and that someone would be you."

"I sure hope it would be me, and not someone else," Quackity smiled and laughed a bit, "Okay, so what's the punch line?"

Karl and Sapnap looked over to each other while Quackity's smile faded away. It was silent for a second.

"We... we aren't joking Quackity," Sapnap admitted, "We do want you to join our relationship. We want you to be our boyfriend, if you would like that."

Quackity's lip started to quiver, and Karl's expression slowly melted. "W-wait... are you like... for real, for real?"

Karl had a sense of déjà vu at this second. And with it, he felt like his heart was breaking seeing how Quackity looked. He looked scared, broken, unprepared, and shocked. His hands shook wildly at his sides. Quackity sharply inhaled like every breath hurt.

And Karl noticed more things that he didn't understand how he couldn't have noticed before. How much more starved Quackity looked, how much worse the eye bags got, how he wore so much clothes as if he was freezing every second.

Sapnap went to reach for Quackitys hand, but decided against it. "We mean it. The offer is on the table if you would like to pick it up, if not, that is completely fine too. Don't feel obligated."

Quackity slowly took a deep breath, "I appreciate it, I really do, but my answer is no." He stood up, "And good night."

He grabbed the bucket as he left to his room. Karl looked over to Sapnap, "What... what just happened?"

"Quackity decided to suffer. For reasons we don't know." Sapnap stood up, "And I confessed my love for some stupid reason."

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