𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Warning : (edit) drinking mention

Warning : (edit) abuse mention (?)

Warning : (edit) dirty flirting (?)


Sapnap gripped his hands further on the steering wheel, turning it slightly to the right and applying a little less pressure on the gas pedal. Once the car turned, he traded his foot to the break pedal, stepping on it and pulling the gear shift into park.

Next to him in the front seat, was Quackity. A small male who Sapnap truly didn't know how he felt about. And no, it wasn't him contemplating his feelings, more trying to figure if he would trust or not. Karl seemed to get close suddenly to him.

Even if Sapnap and Karl weren't on best terms once, it didn't make the jealousy he felt any less. And Sapnap was sure Quackity could feel that tension. The jealousy tension. It sucked even more that Sapnap was stuck alone with the boy, since Karl went off with friends.

"This is the moment you stare at me and say," Quackity switched his voice to imitate Sapnaps, "We need to talk."

Sapnap turned his head to Quackity, raising an eyebrow and wanting to question it. If there was anything Sapnap knew, Quackity carried confidence with some subjects.

Quackity sighed, and continued on, "Listen, dude, if it's about Karl, I don't mean harm. I respect your relationship. I'll stop joking with him and you. I don't want to fuck things up when you guys just invited me to your home."

Sapnap could almost hear Karl's voice in his head, correcting Quackity to say 'our home, you live here now, you don't need to exclude yourself'. Sapnap was unsure what to say to Quackity, exactly. So instead of focusing on that, he changed the topic, "You lived with George before, right?"

"Wh-" Quackity seemed shocked at the sudden topic change, but blinked off the small shock, "Well, yeah. I did. Not for long, however."

Sapnap nodded slowly, pulling the keys out of the ignition, and leaning back in the seat, "Why did you leave?"

"I wasn't expecting the convo to switch off to this," Quackity muttered softly, before adjusted himself in the seat and crossing his legs, "George went and started smooching Dream. Me and George made a deal before that if Dream was to move in, I would go for their privacy. Then Dream decided he wanted to pick up some more bases with George, and moved in. I optionally left, George went and found somewhere else for me. With you guys. I have to thank you for accepting me there, as annoying as I can be."

"Where did you live before George?" Sapnap was honestly unsure why he asked these questions. But it seemed like the second the question came out, Quackity appeared a lot more uncomfortable. He brought his hands towards his back, and moved them towards his beanie.

They stayed quiet for a few minutes. Sapnap was more curious, but didn't want to force it on Quackity to open up.

"Ex-boyfriend. I stayed with him after moving out my moms, and during the final year of school. When he became a fucking asshole, I started to pack up." Quackity pulled onto his beanie, and stared towards the dashboard.

"He... became an asshole? Like, abusive?" Sapnap looked towards Quackity, his own expression softening up. He couldn't really imagine someone hurting Quackity, but he knew logically that was a thing that happened. It didn't matter who you were, you had a risk of dating someone possibly abusive. You can be manipulated, and hurt. Possibly even without noticing it.

Thinking of that made Sapnap upset.

"Eh, you could say that. He drank, and had his days. That's fine, nothing I couldn't handle. When the school had that whole student body president, vice president, secretary, and shit, that's when he became asshole-y. He got drunk on power, drunk on alcohol, and drunk on lust." Quackity gave a soft laugh, "It's chill, however. I left. He's dead. Thing's all calmed a bit."

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