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Authors note ; I reread this. It needed something. So in far later on, I updated it.

Thank you

Trigger warning ; brief quackbur


When Quackitys eyes flickered open, he had no idea what was going on. The world was bright and harsh, and god, he was exhausted. His limbs sore, his lungs in pain, his head pounding and ears ringing. Why was his body still burning?

After processing that, the next thing he processed was a voice. "Holy fuck. I... I did it! I did it! George! George come here, I fucking did it! He's alive! He's fucking alive!"

Quackitys eyes fluttered open, when someone tackled into his chest, and god that hurt. He let out a painful wheeze and cough before his eyes finally adjusted to what was going on. The tears on his chest, the squeeze of brown fluffy hair, and man a few feet away smiling.

Then it hit. "Dream? George?"

George didn't reply, only sobbed harder in his chest. Dream walked over, a stethoscope in his hand as he put it on Quackitys chest, the coldness of it sending pure goosebumps down his body. "Hey man, do you remember anything?"

"Uhh..." Quackity tried to think, but his brain was fuzzy. "You look like shit, I know that. As if you aged ten years or something."

George finally let him go, and it took a lot to not wince at how much of a mess the older George looked like. "It has been ten years, Quacks. It has been ten years. You died. You're alive."

The memories flooded back. The hanahaki. The last day, when Quackity knew he wouldn't make it through the night due to Schlatts presence, unconnecting eyes and silence. Forcing himself to send Karl away so Karl wouldn't have to experience that much trauma. The knowing, the knowing, and the questioning. He should have been okay. He should have.

Quackity pulled himself up and leaned to the side and coughed harshly. A few purple and orange petals leaked from his mouth covered in a stream of spit. "God, my breath stinks."

"Fuck, Dream, that's not good. He still has it." George pulled himself off of Quackity and took a few steps back.

"No, that felt different." Quackity muttered. "It felt... better? And plus I don't see any shitty exes here." His heart pounded momentarily. "Where is Sapnap? Karl? Are they okay?"

Dream glanced to the side, "We have ten years of updates Quackity. Ten years. But maybe you should put on some clothes before hearing it."

"And take a shower." George added.


His hands were shaking. God, the time. Ten years made a difference on someones face. On their body. Quackity had new scars on his chest and arms, a few more recent from the revival Dream performed.

His wings were a little fucked up. He attempted a flutter in the mirror, processing the fact they were broken in a few places, and bald in others.

And the soap was so strong. Quackity used to like that smell, but now, it was overpowering. The amount of energy showering and brushing his teeth required was shocking.

Quackity took a deep breath.

Then there was a knock on the bathroom door, "You havent died again, right?" George questioned from the other side.

"Not yet." Quackity called out. Then he whispered to himself, "Although I have a feeling I will want to be after the news I hear."

His heart ached for them. For his loves. Ten years. God, he hoped they were okay.

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now