𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Warning : horniness?

Warning : argument discussion?

Warning : sex mention

Warning : Skephalo -honestly there interactions are just fun to write-

Author's note : I really missed writing these and seeing everyone's comments. You all are absolutely amazing. So,,, I have two chapters to try to make up for my long disappearance and probably the disappearance I'll make again soon,,,


Laying in bed, his gaze fixed on the TV, Sapnap was mainly focused on the idea of Karl. Karl was either still talking to Bad, now talking to Skeppy, washing his dishes, dodging Sapnap, or leaving the house. Sapnap dropped further on the mattress. He wished Karl wasn't doing any of those options, and was in this room.

Mainly, he wanted to kiss Karl until Karl's lips were bright red and swollen. He wanted Karl. To watch Karl's face melt into pleasure, to feel Karl's hands retangle into his hair, or scratch down his back.

Sapnap smiled at the idea of these thoughts, but forced them away. That wasn't a now thing. First off, Sapnap and him had a serious discussion, and second off, his parents were home. Even when they were younger, they had the decency to wait until Skeppy and Bad went away to the store.

But that still wouldn't mean it was great to think about.

When the door opened, Sapnap nearly jumped, not expected it. He heard Karl's laughter, as the door shut, "Distracted, Sap?"

"Slightly," Sapnap admitted with a whisper. He hoped Karl would just walk over and sit on Sapnap's lap, but no, Karl walked over and took a seat next to him. Sapnap frowned, now his thoughts officially waving away, "Is it time to talk already?"

"Unfortunately so." Karl's soft smile made Sapnaps heart melt, and Sapnap reached over, kissing his lips and Karl laughed against his lips.

"Are you sure? Can't we have a bit of fun?" Sapnap reached his hands to Karl's waist, and tickled him, Karl squealed in laughter, pleading for Sapnap to stop, so Sapnap did.

Karl took a few more moments, laying on the mattress trying to recover his breath. "I'm sure, I'm sure. Plus, I'm not in the mood for... any of that stuff.." Karl sighed, "And the discussion is important."

"Alright," Sapnap offered his hand to Karl, so Karl could sit up. Karl gladly took it, and pulled himself up.

"Okay, so, Quackity." When Karl said his name, Sapnap's eyes immediately dropped down, and huffed. Karl gave Sapnap a soft stare while continuing on, "You need to apologize to him."

"I need to apologize to him?"

Karl nodded, and Sapnap stared at Karl in disbelief. When Karl didn't budge his statement, Sapnap huffed, louder, "What did I do? Quackity straight up fuckin' ignored us. He lives in our fuckin' house."

"He has the right to privacy." Karl sat up more and crossed his legs.

"He does," Sapnap agreed, "But imagine, imagine living in someone's house and ignoring them. That's disrespectful."

"I'll agree with you. But, you still didn't have to force Quackity into a conversation, that he didn't want at the moment, and that we were going to have later, during dinner, and tell him having sex with people is wrong and force his feelings into the open," Karl waved his hands around to try to make his point more important.

Sapnap sighed, "You're right, but still, he was being an asshole to himself, so someone had to yell at him that having sex with someone wouldn't help get rid of feelings."

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now