ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Warnings ; Grief, healing

Warnings ; Grippy sock vacation exit

Warnings ; Final chapter

Author's note ; I posted two chapters today, this one and the one before. Please make sure you read the one before this chapter before reading this.


Karl held onto the flowers, carefully walking through the grass, and passing large rocks and stones. His hands slightly shook, and he got closer to the location of his grave.

Finally, there it was. Right next to a large tree, which was nearly finished shedding its leaves for winter. Karl wrapped an arm around his body.

After taking a deep breath, he walked near the grave. There, the stone was starting to gain a growth of moss, the grass was a bit overly grown, and there were some clumps of flowers, some rotting and others just starting to wilt. Karl looked at the bundle of lavender in his hand. He carefully reached over, and leaned the bundle of lavender on the grave stone.

"Quackity..." Karl blinked a few times, to attempt to rid his tears, "Quackity, it's been ten years now." Shakily, he took a deep breath. "Ten years today. It's been... it's been ten years..."

He forced his hands together in a desperate attempt to stop the shaking. He looked up to the sky. It was nearly dark already, but still it was cloudy. Tomorrow, there was supposed to be a thunderstorm. Karl looked back to the grave, "Tubbo is back out of the mental hospital, and I hope it stays that way. Tommy and Ranboo are doing their best to help him, but in the end, it's.." Karl sighed, "Tubbos life."

Karl looked down, "Wilbur and Jared got married three weeks ago." He frowned slightly, "Sometimes... Sometimes I wonder if me, yo— you, a—and... Sapnap... S—Sapnap would have... would have gotten married..."

"Uhm... I..." Karl blinked a few times and chewed on his lip, "I'm... I'm moving, Quackity... I'm moving away. I'm sorry." Karl closed his eyes and tightened his hands, "I couldn't be there for you in your death, and now I won't be here after... I'm so sorry... so... so..." He trailed off, now crying, "sorry..."

He swallowed, "G... Goodbye, Quackity..."

He turned, wiped his eyes, and turned his head back giving one final look to Quackity's grave. After a few seconds, he shook his head and looked back straight ahead, and started walking to his car, refusing to look back again.


In pure silence, he got dressed once more, which took more effort than it had the year prior, and the year prior to that. It was surprising, really, having to fight to find motivation to live when truly it felt like there was none sometimes.

His eyes glanced towards his desk, littered in trash. Sapnap walked towards the desk, shoving a few empty cans off the desk and staring at a small box and a few framed photos. Carefully he reached out, grabbing the leather box, and opening it up. In it, was two silver rings sprinkled with diamonds around the band until it led up to a larger stone. One ring, an amethyst, and the other, lapis.

Sapnap shoved the box shut, cursing at himself. Neither man he wanted in his life stayed. One, died in front of him, and the other broke up with him. It took everything to not toss the box across the room and to instead drop it back on the desk before burning it into ashes. He looked towards the bed, which partially was destroyed and burned into, and partially a complete mess of burnt sheets and blankets.

He exhaled and looked up to the ceiling. Ten years gone, and million more to go. Quackity is dead, Karl is moving away, and now he is alone. Regardless, he was alone, but now he is even more alone.

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now