ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Warning : pukey pukey, flowers

Author's note : :)),,,


"Oh, fuck you!" Tommy's voice rang out the room, as he glared straight over to Techno, who was sitting to his right. Techno only sent a very smug expression back to the blonde boy.

Tommy hissed in frustration as he collected two cards, and placed down a random one.

Today, was torture. Torture to two people. Torture to Tommy, and Quackity. As while playing Uno, the two of them were surrounded by the most evil people in the world. Wilbur and Techno.

No matter what direction the cards went by, they were tortured on both ends. Techno and Wilbur collecting majority of the wilds, plus twos, and skips, just to make sure that Tommy and Quackity would never win. Quackity swears, they straight up decided to sit like this for that reason.

After Wilbur placed his card, Quackity smiled, now, he could torture Techno. He placed a plus four, "Suck that, bitch. Green."

Techno rolled his eyes, and picked up the four cards, "Tommy, I will pay you a hundred dollars for you to place that green reverse card down."

Tommy looked over to Techno, "First off, fuck you for staring at my cards. Second off, raise the money and I'll do it."

Wilbur snorted, "Tommy you're practically waving your hand around and begging us to see your cards."

Tommy cursed towards Wilbur, while Techno thought. Quackity just mainky hoped Tommy wouldn't be a gold digger and allow Quackity to suffer.

"Four hundred," Techno offered.

Tommy considered this, and nodded, "Deal."

"Woah, woah, Tommy, five hundred for you not to place it down, and for you to place your plus two green down instead," Quackity attempted. Tommy paused, now considering that.

"A thousand for you not to do that," Wilbur added.

Tommy looked over to Wilbur now, just slowly smiling, "So any card but plus two, or reverse?"

"No, for the reverse," Wilbur leaned back in his seat, smirking at Quackity who frowned at him.

"Tommy, Wilbur probably has a thousand wild cards-" Wilbur bat his eyelashes innocently, shaking his head no - "Do the plus two."

"On the other side, Tommy, giving him the plus two could give him more wild cards. Five thousand for you to use the reverse," Techno looked over to Quackity, smiling along with Wilbur.

Quackity's mouth dropped open with shock, hearing the offered money. Tommy didn't even question it, he placed down the reverse card, "Fuck yeah, I'm going to be fuckin' rich!"

"I'm killing you, I swear," Quackity muttered. Tommy only stuck his tongue out to Quackity, and Quackity flipped him off, watching Techno place a plus four down, "We can keep it green."

Quackity frowned, "Fuckin' sadist."

Technoblade laughed, watching Quackity pick up his cards. Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Quackity, Techno's not a sadist, you should know that."

Quackity's eyes shot up to Wilbur, as he glared towards him. Tommy sat there, taking a large breath, "Okaaaay, then. How about playing the game instead of doing.. this."

"Tommy, you're reading way too far into it," Wilbur said, placing a plus four card down after Quackity placed his card down, "Blue."

"Tommy you're reading way too far into it," Tommy mocked, "Mhm, sure. Quackity you shouldn't be cheating on your boyfriends."

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