ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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Warning ; DNF (DreamNotFound)

Warning ; Beloved Hallucinations

Author's note ; Sorry, I had a writer's block, so it's a short chapter

Author's note ; And exams

Author's note ; I will keep the not a chapter thing up until I read everyone's suggestions! I have also taken a picture of all comments there.


Quackity dropped his bags in the guest room. The last time he was here, he planned to not come back. He planned that he would give George and Dream privacy. Now, those two plans dropped out the window.

And even worse, there was an incredibly awkward silence in the room when he entered. Dream and George were sat on the couch staring at Quackity when he entered their house. Just staring. No words. Quackity just made his way to the guest room, hoping that Dream and George shared a bedroom so he didn't have to sleep on the couch, and locked himself inside.

Just because he was dying, it didn't mean they had to act like it.

Quackity frowned, and made his way to the bed. And with it, he wanted to cry since he realized he forgot his stuffed animals.

Whenever Quackity reaches rock bottom, it turns out it goes further down.

"Geez Pumpkin, way to say boring, huh?"

And even further down.

Quackity sighed and looked up to see Schlatt walking around the room and rubbing the walls as if he was inspecting and scanning for dust. "Yeah, I mean, I just moved back."

"I never knew cobwebs were your style." Schlatt pointed to the corner of the room, were there were cobwebs forming, "Yet again, I never thought coughing up flowers would be your style."

"Thanks, Schlatt. Your opinion totally matters to me," Quackity dropped to the ground and opened his suitcase, starting to pull out clothes.

"Actually, now that I think of it, coughing up flowers is totally you. Such a fuckin' thing of you to do." Schlatt laughed briefly, then jumped on the bed, "It's also like you to scare the shit out of people."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Quackity stopped folding up the shirt he held and sent a glare to Schlatt.

Schlatt sat up from the bed, "Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, George, Sapnap, Karl. They all are scared you're going to die."

"Shut up." Quackity shook his head and stared back to the shirt in his hands, "I wasn't trying to scare them. I wasn't trying to fall in love with two guys. I wasn't trying to sign up for hanahaki or death. I would stop it if I could."

There was silence. And with it Quackity could feel his heart pound in his chest.

He could feel Schlatts eyes staring deep into his soul. "Schlatt, seriously stop. I don't want any of this, I mean it."

"I don't think so," Schlatts voice was coldly calm, "I think you do want this."

"What? Why the fuck would I want this?" Quackity stood up and stared back to Schlatt, "Why the fuck do I want to be tortured? I can hardly eat some days! My feathers are falling out, I'm hallucinating! Hallucinating you! Why the fuck would I want to see my abusive ex?"

"Are you done?" Schlatt crossed his arms.

Quackity remained quiet.

"Quackity. You have the option for this to stop." Schlatt stood up, "Techno mentioned it, you know it. So why haven't you taken the surgery?"

Quackity went to say something, but instead they were interrupted. "Hey Quackity, are you okay? I heard you talking to yourself."

"You're worrying them. It's up to you what you want to do, Quackity. They like you, but if you wait for them to admit it, you could die." Schlatt looked to the door, "Good luck, Pumpkin. I'll see you soon."

And with it, Schlatt disappeared.

"Quackity? Are you there-? Holy shit, are you dead? Dream call the ambulance-" Quackity immediately ran towards the door, but by the time he got there the door was kicked down. George in a completely panicked state, staring at Quackity.


"Oh- uh- hey George, didn't see you there." Quackity gave a small awkward smile.

"Dream, he's alive." George called out.

"Yeah, alive as I can be." Quackity gave a thumbs up, "I was folding laundry."

"While talking to yourself?" George pushed on.

Quackity forced a bigger smile, "Yup-."

"About signing up for hanahaki, not wanting to be tortured?" George raised an eyebrow. "Listen, nothing against you, or your privacy, but I really have been thinking about gritting a baby monitor in here."

"That's everything against me and my privacy, George." Quackity crossed his arms.

"Quackity, I care about you. And you can die any moment without someone knowing, and being there to help. I thought you were dead just a few seconds ago." George reached and held onto Quackity's shoulder, "I don't want to do that. So, I won't. Not yet, and I hope I don't have to."

"I'm oka-" Quackity's throat started to close, "I'm okay."

"Okay." George nodded, "Well, Dream is going to be trying to make pizza. I want to watch him do that. But, I will keep your door open, please don't close it."

"Fine." Quackity rolled his eyes, and watched as George left. The second George was out the door, he rushed to the bathroom and coughed into the toilet.

His ears rang once more, his vision blurred and faded as he struggled for air. The pain his whole body felt was horrific. He felt as if he was on fire.

"A little louder pumpkin, then maybe Dream and George will hear you over their laughter." Schlatt dropped down next to him.

Quackity gagged and coughed more.

"George kept the door open to make sure you're okay, and he doesn't hear this. You should totally be at Wilburs. Or Bad and Skeppys. They saw this, right?"

With another desperate cough, Quackity felt as if his throat was tearing.

"Ouch, that must be a thorn. You are pouring blood, maybe they should have called the ambulance." Schlatt frowned, "Hope that your throat isn't torn open."

Quackity coughed again and with it, the petals, flowers, stems, and thorns exploded from his mouth and into the toilet mixed with his blood and saliva.

"I am so sure you are supposed to be dead. Where did your fight come from?" Schlatt laughed.

When his eyes cleared up, Quackity glared to Schlatt, "Fuck. Off."

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now