ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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Author's note ; I posted two today! Please check the one before this chapter just to make sure you didn't accidentally skip one!

Author's note ; Also a short chapter


Karl should have read the sign. It wasn't polite to walk in, ignore the obvious ' don't enter unless someone's dead ' sign, and ignore a man coughing and choking up his love while cuddling his stuffed animals. Incredibly rude.

Quackity let out another desperate cough, as a flew flower petals made their way out and floated onto the floor.

Karl watched silently.

"What?" Quackity sat up, "Here to add a baby monitor?"

"No, no, I..." Karl walked towards the bed and took a seat, "It's a mess, you're a mess. I mean, there is blood on your pillows."

"Thanks for noticing, goodbye." Quackity dropped back down.

"Your wings don't look too cool." Karl whispered.

Quackity glared at him, "Are you here to make fun of everything single thing going on with me or for some other dumb reason?"

"I wasn't making fun of you, only concerned. Meaning, I can help make the area a bit better. Living like this is going to make you more depressed." Karl leaned back on the bed, "And you might be suffering, but I don't want you suffering that much."

Quackity remained quiet, before turning to face Karl. "I'll clean it up."

"You don't need to. You are going through a lot." Karl gave Quackity a soft smile, and Quackity smiled back, before choking up a fit of coughs.

Karl immediately sat up in concern, but after a few seconds, when Quackity cleared his system, he laughed. "This is pathetic. I'm sorry. I don't understand how you can keep me around right now. I'm ruining your mental health. Yours, Sapnaps, Wilburs, Tubbos, and everyone else."

"It would ruin us more if you die on us."

"I'm trying not to." Quackity stared at Karl, frowning.

"I..." Karl looked away, and stood up, walking to the window and opening up the curtains. "You need some— holy shit."

Quackity watched as his expression changed seeing the room coated in petals, flowers, stems and blood. Despite it, it smelled quite nice.

"I would have warned you."

Karl blinked a few times before shaking his head, "It's... a lot. I'll..."

"I'll clean it up," Quackity carefully got off of the bed, and with that Karl went over and gently placed his hands on Quackity's shoulders.

"You look like you're near death."

"Because I am." Quackity raised an eyebrow.

"No... like... when was the last time you ate? Hydrated? You..." Karl's hands shook on Quackity's shoulders, and with it, Quackity relaxed a bit.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, don't, it's— its," Karl looked like he was about to cry, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

There was silence between them. Carefully Quackity placed his hand onto one of Karl's.

"I love you, Quackity."


"You—" Quackity laughed a bit, "You love- I, Well, I would say it back except you already can tell I do," Quackity looked around the room, "And you're kind of in a relationship."

"I don't want you to suffer."

Quackity stayed quiet and looked towards the ground. Carefully Karl pulled Quackity into a hug, "I'm so sorry."

"Karl, I gained feelings for you and Sapnap." Quackity hugged Karl.

They held onto each other like that for a bit. "I should really clean up."

"I'll do it, you are not physically well enough to do it." Karl pulled back, "Also, sorry to just... drop my love on you."

"I'm pretty sure that wasn't as bad as how I dropped it on you and Sapnap." Quackity smiled brightly. "I think a verbal one would have been better than coughing bloody flowers in your face. I love you, Karl. But I refuse to be a home wrecker."

Sunflower Feelings 🌻 KarlnapityWhere stories live. Discover now