𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Warning ; Skephalo

Warning ; sexy magazines

Author's note ; my brain is dying, imsorry


"Come in, come in!" Skeppy gestured for the three to enter before turning his head around the door and calling to Bad, "THEY'RE HERE!"

There was some type of call back, but Sapnap didn't even catch to what was said. He only seen Skeppy smile and laugh slightly, watching them enter, before grabbing onto Quackity's arm and dragging him off without a word.

Quackity glanced back to Sapnap and Karl, with a look saying 'help?'. Karl shrugged, "I'll be in your room, Sap. Bring Quackity there once your parents are done scanning all his brain cells."

"Yep," Sapnap waved to Karl, and followed Skeppy and Quackity to the kitchen. When they got there, Skeppy let go of Quackity, and Quackity took a few steps back to stand next to Sapnap. Sapnap smiled at that, and offered one of his hands, which Quackity took. Bad practically melted watching that, and it was so obvious, that Sapnap's face burned with embarrassment about his parents and the situation.

Skeppy smirked at Sapnap's bright face. "I'm keeping my comment from last dinner."

Sapnap huffed, and was going to say Quackity wasn't his type, but something in his throat declined him saying it. So he kept his mouth shut, and changed it to something else. "So, the dumb smirking one is Skeppy, and the one who is practically melting is Bad. And, the one who's hand I'm holding, is Quackity."

Quackity nodded slowly, "Nice to meet you guys. Uh, I brought some food, it's in the car- If you wouldn't mind me escaping for a few minutes to get it."

"No, no, stay please," Bad reached over and then pulled back his arms, "Wait you cook?"

"Unexpected. But, I guess Sapnap needed someone who knew how to cook," Skeppy shrugged.

Sapnap sharply inhaled and mouthed a shut up to Skeppy, who smiled wider, knowing that he was bothering Sapnap. Quackity laughed softly, "Uh, yeah, I do. I have some strawberry moose in the car, and some coffee caramel cheesecake. Both which should probably come inside-"

"I'll go get them," Sapnap offered, and he turned to walk out the room, before Skeppy grabbed onto his shoulder and shook his head no.

"I think you should stay here. How about texting Karl to go get them?" Skeppy let go of Sapnap, knowing Sapnap would listen, despite wanting to escape.

Sapnap texted Karl.

"Okay, well this is now awkward," Quackity whispered.

Sapnap looked over to him, "It always starts like this. They will try to read into you and then get to know you."

"You have abusive ex vibes," Skeppy commented, before Bad kicked him in the shin making him screech in pain, and flip off Bad. Bad glared at him.

"He doesn't mean that. He means... you have..." Bad paused, still staring at Quackity, who just blanked out. "You have... uh... you seem really cool. How about, you guy's go to Sapnap's room while I finish up in here with Skeppy."

"Fuck you, you kicked my shin and you think I'll cook with you?-" Skeppy glared at Bad.

Bad forced a smile, "I never said you're cooking. After all, you gave Sapnap his bad cooking skills."

Skeppy gasped in offense. Sapnap slowly pulled Quackity out the room, so they wouldn't witness the fight.

"Is it really that obvious?" Quackity questioned.

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