𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Warning : Skephalo

Author's note : I made a Tubbo POV for this book!


Sapnap placed his car to park, and frowned, staring at the house ahead of him. His parents.

Badboyhalo, and Skeppy.

Honestly, Sapnap couldn't recall a moment he didn't call them by first name. Sure, it was disrespectful, but saying 'dad' felt wrong. He considered them his parents, sure, but calling them that was a step too far in a direction Sapnap didn't want.

At least he trusted them. In some way.

They weren't fully his favorite people, but who else would he see? He was overdue for a visit regardless. And he had no where else to go to for the time being.

Home? Karl wanted space since..


George and Dream? Yeah, it would be fun, but probably not what he fully needed. Dream would lecture him all day, while George would spout spurs of concern here and there. That would drive him up a wall.

Now his parents. Sapnap could easily dodge them for a day or two. Hope for the best and such.

Sapnap frowned once more, and reached his hand towards the car handle.


"Do you need anything?"

Sapnap knew Bad was trying to be nice, and helpful, but seriously it was driving him up a wall. One more little favor.

"I'm fine." Sapnap said, with a little more aggression then intended. Sapnap wanted to bury his head into a hole the second he saw Skeppys face peak from the doorway.

Bad wouldn't question, but Skeppy would. Skeppy was protective of Bad in that way. It kind of reminded Sapnap of himself and Kar-

No. He shouldn't think about Karl right now. That would be too much.

"What happened?" Skeppy walked a little further in the doorway, and wrapped his arm around Bad. Bad smiled softly, and gave Skeppy a kiss before walking out of the room.

"Nothing happened," Sapnap turned his back to Skeppy, and reached for his suitcase to unpack some of his clothes. He hoped Skeppy would leave him be like that, but it seemed Skeppy wasn't planning to.

Skeppy leaned against the wall and sighed, loudly enough that it made Sapnap eye towards Skeppy. Of course, Skeppy wanted a full focused conversation. "Sap, you came here with a suitcase. What happened?"

"Mind your fucking business, maybe that's what," Sapnap growled.

Skeppy blinked a few times, completely unamused. He gave a stare to Sapnap, until Sapnap frowned and took a seat on the bed. "Karl and me got into an argument. That's all. I'm here for a few days until things cool down between us."

"Mhm, alright. Didn't you guys argue a lot before? What happened to make it stop?"

"Well, we planned to get someone to move into the house, so we tried to work it out with each other so we could at least talk. By the time they moved in, me and Karl were on good enough terms to try again." Sapnap hated how the words flowed out of his mouth. This wasn't Skeppys business.

Skeppy seemed to think for a few moments, before asking a question Sapnap didn't expect, "The argument was about your new roommate, huh?"

Sapnap remained quiet, so Skeppy just whispered a simple good luck, and left the room.

Sometimes, Sapnap could see himself in his parents and he hated it.

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