𝕊 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪

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Warning : Spanish dictionary

Warning : sexual convo's

Author's note : fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff with some small angst that Sapnap doesn't know of.

Author's note : Quackity wing content

Author's note : a little surprise in this chapter but this doesn't mean they are dating or going to date soon :) or that Quackity's hanahaki is gonna go poof-


"Come on, come on, lay down," Karl reached his hands forward, and made a little grabby motion to Quackity, and Quackity was glad to come over and drop into his arms. Sapnap smiled at the sight, watching Quackity shuffle into Karl's arms.

Quackity changed from Techno's shirt and the black jeans, to instead, a stolen Sapnap's shirt and some pair of shorts. Definitely more comfortable than what he was wearing before. But, he also washed the makeup from his face, making Sapnap notice the signs of exhaustion on his face.

It was slightly concerning to say the least.

Okay, really concerning.

Sapnap forced a breath, but made his way closer to Karl and Quackity, a popcorn bowl in his hand. Karl was quick to steal it, and stuff a hand inside to take a mouthful of it. Sapnap laughed, and dropped down next to Quackity and Karl. He practically fell on top of Quackity, and Quackity laughed and jokingly shoved him.

Sapnap blew his tongue out at him, and Karl and Quackity laughed more. Sapnap reached over to the bowl of popcorn to take a few, and gave a smile to him. Karl smiled back and patted Sapnap's head, rubbing his hair a bit.

Sapnap closed his eyes at the feeling, sucking it up for the moment. Once Karl's hand was removed, Sapnap dropped the popcorn into his mouth.

"I want some~" Quackity whined. Karl looked down to him, holding the popcorn bowl a bit further away.

"Why don't you come get some?"

Sapnap dropped his body down further on Quackitys, and Quackity frowned. Sapnap looked up innocently to Karl, "I kind of have his hands tied up."

"Okay, that sounds kinky," Karl giggled a bit, and reached over to the remote to turn on a movie.

Sapnap sighed, "No, their not literally tied up. I'm just holding them hostage."

"I think you managed to make it sound more kinky, Sappy," Quackity poked at Sapnap's stomach from under him, and Sapnap let out a snort, and gave Quackity a gentle shove. Quackity smiled, "You're ticklish?"

"Shut up about it and I'll feed you," Sapnap reached to the popcorn bowl, and Quackity scoffed while Karl giggled.

Karl clicked onto a movie - but really, they wouldn't watch it.

"I think you managed to sound kinky and really weird at the same time. I'm starting to because unhorny." Quackity declared. Sapnap frowned.

"Not cool." Sapnap pulled himself up, but kept his hands on Quackity's to keep him from escaping. He readjusted himself so he sat across Quackitys lap - and arms - and onto Karl. Karl had to readjust his arms and the popcorn bowl. Sapnap reached for some and placed it into Quackity's mouth.

"Damn, Quackity," Sapnap pulled his hand back once Quackity took the popcorn, "Your breath smells good. Almost like... floral like."

Quackity snorted, "It probably smells like love."

"I'd associate love with chocolate." Karl added.

Quackity rolled his eyes and attempted to pick up his hands but failed with Sapnaps butt in his way. "Damn it, I can't start throwing up chocolate, Karl. Don't be picky."

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