ℚ 🌻 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Warning : uhhh I don't know quite yet, let's see

Warning : knowing me, probably some form of angsty angst

Warning : halluncination? Paranoia? Ptsd? I don't know what to classify this as- Basically Quackity sees Schlatt during a moment of panic.

Warning : flashbacks

Warning : Schlackity

Warning : yelling, abusive behavior

Warning : Another cough, puke, gorey, flower hanahaki moment

Author's note : someone pointed out something about Quackity's behavior -- but it is unnormal behavior,

Author's note : I'm trying to update as much as possible before I disappear again for a while--

Author's note : just once more,, since it has been a bit,, italics for memories,,


"Looking good, Big Q," Wilbur reached over and adjusted Quackity's beanie, while Tommy snorted and rolled his eyes. Quackity shot Tommy a look, and Tommy shot a look back.

Techno looked blankly at Quackity, "He looks dead."

Wilbur looked to Techno, "Makeup doesn't fix everything, Techno."

"Unfortunate, you could only hope it would fix your personality."

Wilbur glared, and Techno shrugged. Wilbur slowly turned back to Quackity, "Maybe you could use more concealer."

"I'm sure they won't notice," Quackity slowly rubbed his arms, "Plus, I'm sure I kept them waiting longer than thirty minutes."

"If it's a date, you don't want to look like a fuckin' zombie," Tommy pointed out. Quackity sighed, and slowly Techno stood up.

"Move, Wilbur."

Wilbur moved.

Techno walked out the room for a minute, and returned with a little case. He pulled Quackity back down to a seat, and opened up the case. He started to brush materials onto Quackity's face for a few minutes, before Techno shut the case, and stood up. "Now, he isn't dead."

Wilbur and Tommy stared at Quackity, Wilburs jaw open, and no comments from Tommy. Quackity laughed nervously, "Do I look that bad?"

"No, no," Wilbur paused, and looked towards Tommy, who smiled slowly, Wilbur whispered something to Tommy before turning back to Quackity, "You look great. Karl and Sapnap won't be walking away limp, I can say that."

"Don't ruin my shirt," Techno quickly stated.

Wilbur grabbed onto Quackity's arm and pulled him towards the bathroom, to give Quackity a chance to see how he looks. And when he looked in the mirror, Quackity had to say, he looked pretty hot. He of course still rocked his beanie, but now had one of Techno's fancy white shirts, and some slightly ripped black jeans. And, he didn't look like he was dying and coughing flowers every day of the week. It looked as if he slept very well. But, he also had slight eyeliner to make his eyes pop, and some highlighter. It wasn't too much, but it was just enough for it to make him look good.

"Okay, okay, woah, I look like some hot ass prosit-" Quackity stopped, and smiled a bit, "I'm a hot man."

"A very hot man," Wilbur agreed, "With some other hot men waiting for a taste of you outside."

Quackity nodded, and gave Wilbur a quick hug, "Thanks, Wilbur."

"Yeah, yeah," Wilbur patted Quackity's back, and pushed him out the bathroom, "Just don't die."

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