●•Pet names•●

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*my fave part*


-straight up calls you brat.
-to others he unknowingly calls you 'my brat'
-no one points it out though, unless they want a nice kick from the lil gangsta.


-Started calling you cutie patootie ironically but now he can't stop.
-mostly says baby/babe
-very genetic but I sAId iT.
-you call him Jaegar as a joke


-he's a "honey"/ "angel" kinda guy
-very calming voice to say the least, especially he says it with a smile.
-did call you by your name sternly once as a joke and it gave you a heart attack. (He mostly uses nicknames on you so you feel special)
-you call him love


-angel? Sweetheart? Bring that lil ass here??
-he's used a lot of nicknames on you but his fave is the small whimper he does when you guys are alone.
-the moment you hear that you know he's going to annoy you until you give him attention.
-you call him Teddybear since he's always charging in for a bear hug. And his most used pet name on you is dove. (Whoever came up with that headcanon needs their ass ate, because the nickname dove has strong dilf energy, which is Reiner because Reiner is a dilf in training) but I guess sometimes he slips up and calls you teddy bear only because you call him it so often.


-He does that face where you bite your lip and squint your eyes then makes up a cheesy pun. That's a usual greeting of his.
-it's dumb but it always makes you flustered.
-calls you babe/babes. Only says baby during special moments


-Calls you muffin since he finds them cute and stubby, like you.
-"Hi Muffin~" boops nose and kisses it.
-you call him Minnie. Don't ask😭


-When your alone of course he calls you honey bun because your buns are as sweet as honey😩
-Jk jk.
-Sweetheart/darling you know the classics. Mostly dearest
-you call him baby in return (tbh idk what it is with girls calling middle aged men cute babies/ baby girl😭😭)


-sweet bun/ my little potato/dumpling
-lmao I read somewhere on tumblr that he has the weirdest nicknames and that he once called you bread roll
-his petnames are always followed by him aggressively ruffling your hair, gently smacking the back of your head afterwards
-you 100% tried calling him baby girl once, my guy smiled the cutest smile to ever exist


-just says babe/baby
-you call him piggy, he never got used to it but lets you off with a frown
-Pocky or piggy for him, you can choose between the two


-where do I begin???
-coochie woochie woo?? Love Bubbles??? Cutie bug???
-she has so much no one has heard of or thought to create.
-once called you a boobian and the both of you were confused.


-my little star
-She LOVES nighttime and looking up at the moon, in fact when she confessed her feelings for you her quote was, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
-you responded with a big fat smooch and a satisfying response -"I've loved you for longer."
-you call her "Piecki pie" (The pie is added for extra cringe)


By your name but with a specific voice. Her voice will be stern and usually monotone but with you it becomes high pitched feminine.
For example
"Jean 🗿"


-He calls you puppy or just nudges you with his shoulder to get your attention, doing his gremlin grunt
-you use handsome since it always makes him blush and crack a small smile.


- a cutsie version of your name mostly uses it to guilt-trip you for something
-you call her Sash or pumpkin because I am telling yOu. She has chubby and soft cheeks


She doesn't do pet names, she calls you by your name.


-he calls you/baby/sweetcheeks on occasions, like damn old fashioned but doesn't let anyone hear. And I mean ANYONE.
-if he's feeling bold he wouldn't care and tbh he is bold most of the time
-you call him old man/geezer to get on his nerves, he never gets offended, he just uses it as an excuse to pillow fight with you.

-He'd make a cutesie personalised name from you based on your personality
-Like if you were clumsy, he'd literally go up to you and say "Hey clumsy." Orrrr say you were positive and sweet he'd name you sunshine
-Anything based on how you behave or act


-It's very long but sweet, "What's wrong little dolly daydream?"
-Either that or dolly/doll. No matter how masculine or feminine you may be, she loves saying that.
-Or when she feels brazen she likes saying, mister


-He says Love/Dear/Dearest
-It may be old fashioned but I can feel my stomach flinching at it just imagining how it would sound with his voice🦋

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