Ass or tits?

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He really couldn't care less, you guys don't really do it that often but he is a thigh man and really loves women with defined thighs. Maybe it's because he misses being in a warm comforting lap so he lays on your thighs and makes himself comfortable on there. Sometimes he'll force your hand on his hair. Ever since you first played with your hair he fell in love with the feeling.
-seriously he may be a bit dominant but try to show some motherly love to him.

Huge fan of asses.
He just doesn't understand why he can't just slap it unprovoked. Up the stairs, while you walk past him, cuddling- he'll wack your cheeks.
And he'll laugh while doing it- as if it's funny?! Like someone humble him and his flat bench ass.

Any size boobies, though I can tell he prefers smaller sizes.
I wouldn't say he squeezes them or anything, sometimes lays above them and caresses patterns on them. For Bertholdt, it took him quite a while growing up to understand that women are sensitive there so he lowkey forgets.

Everything and anything you got on your body, he's a greedy man.
There's not one place he has not touched or kissed- or at least thought about it.
But he just really appreciates every inch of you and never forgets the amount of love he has for you.
If I chose an answer, I'd say boobs. He loves calling them honkers though, he's such a douche. "May I touch the fine lady's honkers?"

Jean does not discriminate, loves both. He may be a pervert, but he is a loving pervert.
To be honest, he does do a lot of sexual talking but he's more into soft physical affection rather than sexual activities.
But I guess he can be the type to abruptly yank your ass onto him when he spoons.

He doesn't care at all
But if I had to choose then I'd say most-likely thighs or hips. He's more into motherly women, ones that seem perfectly gentle.
Back on the topic, he likes tracing scars if you have them(could be stretch marks, he doesn't care or mind)
-Likes the extra fat on your thigh. Thicc thighs.

Now, he falls in love with the face and intellect of someone rather than their body to be honest and even if you're flat he doesn't really give two shits, in fact I think he likes flat women.
Still, he seems to be a tittie man, doesn't do much to them, I don't want to get graphic on this child friendly imagines book but😭😭 one word, kith.

He looks like he has a foot fetish but I doubt he does. Like does it make sense?
He lays on your bum until it feels sore and smothers himself in your chest even if it's flat.
As long as it is bob, monke shall lov

Everyone agrees that boys with anger issues love ass.
For example, when he smacks it, he does it with so much aggression and power, like why does he have so much hatred towards your buns? It's like all his hatred for Reiner has been sucked into his palm and straight onto your glutous maximus.
Take it out on him, give him the pain back by spanking his lil bub butt back.

-Thighs, she finds it so attractive when you wear thigh high socks and there's a little bit of fat sticking out near the end, especially when you're cuddling and her hand will find it's way to gently grip the back of your thigh and bring it up to her hip.

-Lmao boobs even if you're a man, she loves your boobs. Like she's spooning and you and BAM two hands cupping your round jellies.
At this point, you're used to her holding them when you're napping, it's like they charge her or something💀

-Like the other Ackerman she could not give half a shit.
-Be flat for all the cares, she does not wish to be horny anymore, she just wants to be happy😰 (Hope you got that reference💀)
But if you're asking what she holds the most, it's your waist or torso, she can bring you closer to her that way and is in love with the way your bodies connect like a puzzle piece

He just wants a nice squishy headrest and your thighs seem so perfect, they're so finely sculpted in whatever shape that they are in

-Let me just be clear on this, she's the type of girlfriend to poke your ass while you're walking up the stairs 
-She loves hearing you squirm and watch as you glare at her. Honestly, it is kind of a mischievous but more fun kind of preference

-she doesn't mind overall. Like when she hugs you her hands don't go anywhere special they just make sure your body is not moving out of her grip
-if I had to choose then she'd go for a torso kinda guy/girl
-a nice torso

-just boobs.

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