What they smell like

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A/N I was thinking about this whilst during laundry. This is what I headcannon, feel free to include your own opinions!!


•he smells like those really strong essence oils, only if you go really close can you smell it (I'm talking kissing his hand close)
•To be very specific, I'm talking about tea tree essence oil. It's like an antibacterial scent in a way

•Absolutely nothingness. I feel like when he walks past people he does it so fast and swift it leaves a waft of his scent behind... except he smells like nothing so he's just giving you a free wave of air 😭😭😭
•But as a bonus, he'd smell like his aloe Vera shampoo for the first hour (after showering) and then the smell fades away... again, into nothingness

•I'm convinced Berty-boo smells something like an old ladies makeup pallet. Those really old peach flavoured powders, or just scented moisturiser for women. It's not a girly smell, it's a powdery smell (motherly. He smells motherly.)
•No one knows why he smells that way really. They don't really point it out because it isn't strong.
•But if you hugged him so tight that you buried your face in the fabric of his clothes, you'd get a nostril-full of makeup scents

•Oh yes you know it, he smells like a big baby. He doesn't even know it, he's just surprised as you one day rub yourself against the soft sleeve of his sweater and mumble something along the lines of "you smell nice"
•this IS VERY specific. But fairy detergent pods is exactly what he smells like.
•a warm but soft and squeezable scent that he has no idea he carries.

•Jean changes his perfume every week you can't catch onto what he smells like. One week it's Hugo boss, the other it's Dior sauvage, and other fuckboy perfumes. At some point you realise any strong masculine scent is him, because he's worn every bottle in this bloody world.

•He smells like a dove soap bar, the original one. You can tell he's incredibly clean not just by the waft of soap that fans pleasantly against your face, but through the silkiness of his blonde locks that expose how well he takes care of himself.

•Looking at Erwin, I can tell he doesn't give a shit 😭😭😭 straight up, he showers puts deodorant on and gets on with his day, it's not like this doesn't leave a scent though, through out his day, he spends it locked up in the office or taking a walk in meadows to clear his mind.
•When he comes back to you, most of what you smell on him is the outdoors (cut grass- ish breeze smell) and pages of dusty books.

•As a Zeke Stan, I'm sorry to my fellow brothers and sisters, but my guy smells of nothing but tobacco, it overpowers any perfume he uses. He reeks of pure depression and cigarettes. Someone hug this man and throw him in a bath PLEASE

•People usually shower everyday because its hygienic but Porco does it because he messes himself up badly throughout his own day. Hell- sometimes he has to shower twice a day.
•this mostly comes down to the fact he's messy and clumsy. During lunch, he'll drop a bit of jam on himself, try to swipe it away but it merges through the loops of fabric and stick to the skin of his chest.
•Or when he's cleaning, he'll forget that a bucket with dirty water is behind him and fall on top of it, soaking him in muddy water.
•i made this way too long... but, this is my headcannon, he smells like fresh bread.

•She either smells like mud, pure sweat, hair grease or all the above.
•(When Levi knocks her out to clean her he uses scent less soap so the issue here is that the smell sometimes still lingers even after she washes.

•Pieck bakes a lot to free her mind from worries, most of what she likes to bake is cookies, pies or brownies. So for the most part, she mostly smells of soap and a bakery.

•You guys can call Mikasa manly all you want, but she defiantly uses cocoa butter to moisturise her body after a burning hot shower.
•light Cocoa butter and coconut, there's no other thing I can think of.

•The most distinguished smell you can get out of him is his clothes, which barely smell of anything anyway. It's a mystery as to how someone can lack any scent whatsoever.

•Barbecue sauce and brown sugar

•Her and Armin are soap scent buddies, she smells of a bubble bath.

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