X touch starved reader

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This is for am X Touch Starved reader

Requested by @ anonymous


-Now I don't think he is the type to shower you with physical affection all the time.
-However, he would try. Sometimes he holds himself back because of how cute you are
-A gentle head pat and forehead kisses but if you are genuinely touch starved he would try to do it more often.


-He loves head locking his s/o, it's a way to show that he's got you, whether you need it or not
-However he loves teasing you when he figures that you're touch-starved, his hand will hover over you so it's close but not touching you and he will wait for you to force his hand onto him, that's just how mean he is.


-Bertl is very gentle when it comes to physical affection, so much so that it's ticklish when he slowly wraps his slender arms around you.
-If you're touch-starved I guess you'll get a fair amount of physical affection however, it isn't anything too strong, it'll be hella soft.
-You'll have to ask him to be harsher when touching you, he'd consider it but I know Bert is too much of a softie to even lay a scratch on you


-If you're touch starved then you'd be satisfied with this cuddle machine. Pretty much touches you whenever he has the chance, it isn't even sexual, it's just a hair ruffle, a pinch of your cheek, a bone-crushing hug even after a few hours of not seeing you
-He just really likes the feeling he gets when he touches you, a cute little teddy bear TT


-If Jean ever figured out that you were touch-starved then he'd annoy the fuck out of you with it.
-When he touches you, like cups your face he goes, "Oh is this turning you on? I should stop before you go feral." and retracts his hand. 
-Of course, he's just joking around with you and would love to make sure you're feeling loved so if you want more touching, he'd do just that


-He has a very secure hug, if I rated everyone's hugs (in this scenario book) Then Armin would be second. It's a little weak yet warm and strong, if that makes sense
-I don't think he can provide you with anything sexual (If you're into harsh, degrading stuff) however if it's physical affection then he'll be warier of where his hands go, he mostly likes your shoulders touching when you guys walk side-by-side or arms linked.


-As a busy man, he'd not be free enough to- you know- just constantly holding or brushing his hand on your body and stuff. 
-But when he does get the chance he holds your hand and caresses it with his thumb, just precious little things like nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck when he hugs you from behind.
-Or if you were bored and came into his office, he'd either let you hug him on his lap or hold his hand while he writes with the other.


-Zeke tends to treat you like you're a little kitten (No discord daddy jokes please T_T)
-Always tucking stray strands of hair behind your ear when you two are alone, his hands are calloused but it feels so good brushing against your face
-If he figured how desperate you were to be touched he'd get so cocky but genuinely hand it over, like rubbing parts of your body that ache or kissing parts one usually would not kiss


-I can say that out of the two of you, you're the one that rams into him for a hug, rubbing your grubby hands all over him, pawing at his body like you're hungry for something
-Porco finds it funny, he can pretty much tell that you want him to continue touching you when he does and mercifully does.


-Hange has an aggressive way of physical affection, her kissing is so violent you'd think she was mad but the poor girl is always excited. I'm not going to lie to you, people would probably mistake your hickeys for bruises LMAO
-"Y/n, my arm is getting tired!" She whines as you keep her hand latched onto your face


-It can't get any better with her tbh, she always wants to be touching you, whether it's a shoulder rub, a cheek kiss or plain cuddling she's very affectionate lmao
-Pieck with a touch-starved s/o would be funny because she's just treating you like a damn bunny. "Does this feel good?" She asks as she rakes her fingers in your scalp. I think she can definitely tell whether you are touch starved or not 


-When Mika hugs it can melt your heart. There's no rush at all, most of the time when she's sad she likes to curl up next to you and hug your arm and most of the time when you're looking away she'd be staring at you with a smile. Her little touch starved idiot LMFAO.
-Just take her hand and put it on you, she'll know what you want


-I don't think you'll be touch starved with Miche if we're being honest here. Is there any other excuse to smell your hair other than spooning you? I think as he grows older he begins to feel more tired lately so he takes naps throughout the day which basically means you're his cuddle partner.
-Any little accomplishment will be rewarded with a head pat or cheek pinch or a small kiss


-She doesn't even realise she's overfeeding you with touching. Picture a puppy, they don't know that you're touch-starved but they're always ramming into you or bothering you for attention- that's basically Sasha
-I think her love language is biting your food while you look away, so you're licking ice cream that's smothered with her saliva (Indirect yet weird kiss??)


-She basically hates everyone but you. It's a bit difficult if I'm honest, she shows affection by bullying you, it's a bullying dynamic so it isn't any personal!
-A small head slap or gentle headlock, that's her affection


-All I can say is that he barely touches you softly or in the typical 'loving' way

-Like the guy just yeets you to his side most of the time or has his arm around your shoulder as if the two of you are the bestest of friends lmao

Hey you guys! My oneshot book is up and open so go request for anything you like💜💜

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