Erwin & Miche training S/O

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(Stone ocean is back y'all)

Requested by @skyfullastrs


-I can't say Erwin is strict but at the same time he isn't exactly a pushover. Obviously it means a lot to you from when you first broke the news about how you NEEDED to win this race because there was a bunch of people who made fun of how you never ended up in any of the top three places.

-While ranting to him, he nodded with a cocked brow. And that's when you know you're fucked.

-That night he's so sweet and reassuring. Giving you a goodnight kiss on the cheek before closing the lamp🥰🥺😍💍.
The next morning however, you are welcomed with a brand new Erwin- or as he made you call him: Mr Smith/Sir. (Who knows maybe he has a sir kink 💀)

-He was dressed in black shorts and a green T-shirt, a whistle necklace around his neck hanging low to his chest. You thought you were dreaming until he whistled again. "Have I not made myself clear?! Up Y/n! Up!"

-His loud voice triggers you to scramble up on your legs, your PJ's dishevelled and as messy as your expression was. "E-Erwin what's going o"-

-He interrupted you with a loud whistle. "It's time for running! Go get dressed! You'll shower afterwards." Due to your slow understanding, he grabs your shoulders and leads you to your closet. "I'll be waiting downstairs, darling." He says sweetly, before switching back up again, "DO NOT TAKE LONG!"

-After he had left, you understood, this was not a dream- or a fever one at that. Not only were you woken up by whistle, it was six in the morning. He was being completely ruthless. But you yourself remembered what you had told him, in a quote specifically. "I need you to make sure that I win, I don't care how you do it. Do. Not. Let. Me. Slack. Off."

-You decided to suck everything up, this is what you wanted after all, and Erwin was willing to help you out like the supporting S/O he always was.

-You keep telling yourself that, even after you arrive home with aching feet, throbbing chest and your muscles in agony. Although he had done the same amount of exercises and sprints along with you, he was as jolly as a white mum with a "live laugh love" sign in her house.

-"Baby you go take a shower. I'll prepare breakfast." He's being so nice now? Helping you to the shower and leaving you a fresh collection of clothes- anyway. You had a nice shower, freshened up.

-When you had gone downstairs, it was like a health-nut colonised your home. Avocado on toast kinda looks like clumpy boogers on seedy bread 😕(don't take this to heart. I love avocados on toast please don't send hate-😭)

-Right now he's a totally different person. That whistle is gone, and he's basically become your mum. "Make sure to finish that smoothie, it helps amazingly with bloating and gas"-


"Okay okay. I'll stop."

-This routine of waking up at 6AM, jogging and exercising until 8AM, showering and then having breakfast, doing basic training exercises in between breaks and studying- basic tasks too- went on for another two weeks, a week left till the competition.

-Both Erwin and you were thrilled and confident that you were bound to end up winning the entire thing.

-Until that cursed morning in which you had woken up with a sore throat, something you shook off as just "morning sickness"
Skip to the early jogging session, which wasn't going smoothly to be exact. Your vision wavered and your head throbbed with every harsh step. You considered stopping to tell Erwin but the nagging thoughts about that gold medal and bragging rights pushed you to the furthest edge.

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