Reiner X Paranoid! reader

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X female reader


Authors note: I'm an anxious person lol, enjoy the darkest thoughts turn into relief.


The sound of the clock ticking rung heavily against your eardrums, for the first hour you had let him go in the midst of a rainstorm

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The sound of the clock ticking rung heavily against your eardrums, for the first hour you had let him go in the midst of a rainstorm. He said he had forgotten something during yesterdays trip to the mall- a sunny and bright day, unlike the dim and thunderous weather today.

Despite being buried in your thoughts you couldn't help but flinch at the sound of the booming thunder. What if he got kidnapped? Killed? Got lost? This is no weather to be out in, however no matter how much you insisted, he had gone, assuring you that he'd be back in no time. Soothing your worries with a soft kiss to your head.

Sighing, you got up to go distract yourself. These thoughts are nothing but useless nags, as they will not happen- but what if you were manifesting it?! What if the more you thought something will happen, it will-

A sudden buzz caught you off guard, with dread, your eyes widened in horror at the sight of Reiner's phone lighting up the dim room. What could you do now?! It was unlikely that you could go out and hand him the phone. He took the car. And even if you took a cab, what were the chances of finding him in that huge mall?!

Again, you brushed those thoughts off as basic anxiety. Nothing was wrong, nothing will go wrong.

For the next three hours, you sat in front of the television, chewing on your nails and checking the time every now and then. As much as you loved the sitcom playing on the TV, you couldn't focus, not with the thoughts getting louder with each second.

He's dead

They'll find him in a ditch a week later

Someone brutally murdered him and he's calling for you right now

He needs you

Before you knew it, you began to silently weep, truly believing your thoughts weren't lying this time. These were not thoughts, they're predictions! You love him so much that you know what's going on at this very second.

Weakly, you trudged to the window, barely seeing a thing beyond the dribbles of rain racing down the glass. No signs of the car, or even a sound. Everyone was wise enough to stay inside- apart from your dumbo.

With the phone in your quivering hand, you dialled Reiner's best friends- the nicer one. It wasn't long until the line picked up. "B-Bert?" You whimpered.

He responded with a cheery yet soft tone, "Hey!-wait, Y/n are you crying?"

"No-" you clumsily wiped the trails of tears flowing down your cheeks. Before he could even utter another question, you hastily began. "Listen, I need to know, is Reiner with you? At the m-moment." It would make sense, his home is closer to the mall.

"No, why?"

"It's been four hours-" you choked, your throat aching from the sobs you barely fought back. "and I don't know why he's taking so long, what if- what if"-

You could hear him sigh away from the phone. "Y/n, is this another one of your what-if moments? You know those are just thoughts."

"No!- I need to make sure he's okay, no one has been out today, the storm is getting worse and he only needed to fetch one thing!"

Once again, he exhaled. "So. What do you reckon we do?"

"We need to find"-

Just as you were about to finish your sentence, the doorbell rang. Without another thought, you sprinted to the door and swung the door open, almost ripping the handle off in the process.

Instantly, you were met with the cold air and small sprinkles of rain, all melted away from the scent of the man you were crying about.

"Hello- uf!-"

"I thought something happened to you!" You cried against the material of his jacket. "What took so long?!"

Peering down affectionately, he gently pinched your cheek, "The que. that's what took so long."

With a grunt, you lightly slapped his back.  "And you didn't take your phone! What if something happened to you and I couldn't get a hold!- what- what"-

"Hey, hey Y/n- look at me."

As a result of your reluctance, he tucked his thumb under your chin, tilting your head up to face his kind smile. You glared at him through your wet lashes. "I'm here now, and I'm fine, see? Not a scratch."


"Baby." His warm palms rose up to cradle your face, thumbs wiping fondly at the moisture that fell from your eyes. "I promise that nothing is as dark as those thoughts make it out to be, you are safe, I am safe. And I swear by that."

At the comfort of his reassurance, you quickly teared up again, nodding hastily.

"Now c'mere angel," He gathered your limp body into his embrace, his slender fingers soothingly (raking through your hair)/(rubbing your back).

With one last kiss to your head, those thoughts shattered once again, replaced by the comfy warmth that engulfed you.

Authors note:

Again. I'm an anxious person, I remember I once cried when my sister didn't come home on time and I couldn't call because my phone had no charge and I didn't have a charger. (Could ya blame me? It had been like 7 hours 😭😭😭)
Also to make matters worse it began heavily raining

 (Could ya blame me? It had been like 7 hours 😭😭😭) Also to make matters worse it began heavily raining

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