●•How they are with their kids•●

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A/N: everything is piling up on top of me, the fucking amount of work I have to finish is Erwin Smith fucking level 😭😭😭

A/N: everything is piling up on top of me, the fucking amount of work I have to finish is Erwin Smith fucking level 😭😭😭

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Enjoy this. I had fun writing it



To them, Levi is kind of intimidating so they use it to their advantage a majority of the time. Like they ask Levi to drop them off at school so that the bullies see him and low-key panic. Yep, no one is touching your children when they look at Levi.

Although his children do think he looks intimidating, they aren't at all scared of him. In fact it's the complete opposite, they love messing around with him and straight up laughing at what ever he does. He's too exhausted to argue back.

When they do this, Levi looks at you with tired eyes and says, "Is it true? Those little brats said I look like a retired cat."

"What's that supposed to even mean?"

And don't get me started on the looks he gives them when they start surpassing his height.

Levi does unfair things too, like throw away sugary cereal and replace it with oatmeal bs, he even has to pluck your children out of their rooms to go out- they enjoy it mostly. Though being out with Levi (a family outing, let's say a restaurant) is quite a fun thing no matter how silent he is.

He mostly sits with his arms crossed and nods fondly at your children excitedly explaining nonsense to him while you wait for the food to arrive. Even if they interrupted each other and  squeal like monkeys, he loves them to bits.


Eren gets along with your children because he behaves like them and will stoop down to their level. The dude will literally laugh manically while chasing your screaming kids because they know once he catches them, he's going to do it by their leg and swoop them off the floor like they're uncooked chicken.

Or when the family is playing monopoly and one of your kids are crying because Eren just surpassed them, he doesn't console them, no, he just sticks his tongue out and cackles like a witch.

He absolutely enjoys terrorising his children, they love doing it back to him. Eren just enjoying a nice lay down at the beach? The kids will squirt water in his relaxed face, to ruin his stupid day off.

Still, he can't say he doesn't enjoy it, he'll snatch a spare water gun and sprint after them.


Your child loves him so damn much and it shows when he brags about him to everyone, it's the usual, every time he's asked about what he's drawing and it's Bertholdt with a giraffe neck he smiles and goes, "My daddy!" And without being asked to he continues on to describe him, "he's big and strong and he said I'll be like him when I grow older! Do you think so? I don't think so, he's too tall, I don't think anyone could ever"-

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