Period cramps || Reiner X reader ||

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A/N while I write a long tumblr request on Wattpad, I decided to publish this 2-3 month old oneshot??? I might make a "how they treat you on your period chapter" idk

On your way home you restrained a shriek of agony, limping as you arrived at the front door. All of a sudden, your body could be reassured that you'd get the rest you needed, however, that all proved wrong once you entered, a twist of agony flooded your torso. You couldn't locate the pain! It was everywhere!

Legs weak and shaking, you raced to the kitchen to consume some pain relief pills, only for your knees to buckle before you could reach the cabinet. Your body slipped against the cold kitchen floor, causing you to stressfully wail out profanities.

The sudden warmth sipping out of your folds surely drenched up your pads to the fullest. However, even whilst you relaxed, the hot flow never came to a halt.

You came to the conclusion that the pills didn't matter, you needed to lie down in a comfy position, at least just for a few minutes of relief.

And so whilst clenching onto your stomach, you climbed up the stairs, grunting and sweating. The very thought of feeling comfortable motivated you through the pain.

At last, you collapsed on your bed, snatching lungfuls of air in before huffing back out. However it didn't take till your panting turned into moans, the fiery feeling travelling to your butthole.

"FUCK!" You shrieked. Your focus wavered, you didn't know what to touch or rub as every part of you throbbed.

Your arm extended out to the phone you dropped on the floor, hoping to call anyone for help, at least just a hand to hold or a reassurance that you weren't going to die. It sure felt like these were your last breaths.

The bright screen flashed your squinted eyes. You ignored all notification and clumsily opened the phone up, your thumb fumbling for your husbands contact.

However, all hope restored the second the front door opened, the sound of shoes and the coat rustling as he was probably nearly hanging it up.


Almost instantly, he frantically marched up the stairs and burst into the room, eyes hastily searched for signs of murder- a break in- a gun being held to your head. Instead, you stared up at him with puppy eyes, curled into a ball and clenching onto your stomach.

"Help me please."

How could he resist such a sweet voice? Even if you scared him to his core. "What's wrong baby?" He kneeled beside the bed.

"It's just- AH!" You flopped onto your back, your hands fumbling to catch the pain on your hips. Reiner flinched, as if you were on the verge of death. "My p-period cramps."

"I can go get you a hot water bottle."

"No! Hold my hand... please?"

"Of course." He took your sweaty hand in his, not reacting at your death grip. He realised how you suppressed your groans of agony by laughing at yourself, making sarcastic remarks about the cruel nature of women in between heavy breaths of pain.

"Hey, take it easy." His palm swiped below your stomach, where the pain was met with his warmth. Sensing yourself melting underneath his touch, you encouraged him to keep his hands there by slowly losing your voice. He noticed your words slowly fade into a tired yawn.

The sweat on your forehead had cooled down, the gentle breeze from the open window ushering you into sleep. It'd be better to sleep in case the pain comes back. "You feel better, sweetheart?" You could barely hear him above the serenity that took over you. How you loved life the second the deathly cramps left.

"Mm..." you weakly hummed. "Thanks... you warmed me up."

"I can warm you up some more, but you need to eat something"-

You lazily shook your head. "Sleepy."

"I can wake you up after a few hours, how about that?"

You grunted another soft hum. "'S finally over. I want sleep."

"Then sleep, angel." He leaned over to peck your forehead. "You can call me when you wake up, I'll help you downstairs, feed that little monster of yours."

You giggled lowly, giving his palm a chaste kiss. "G'night."
His lips gently puckered against your cheek before you slowly dozed off, taking advantage of this painless wave of freedom that sweet Mother Nature had offered after punishing you so severely.

Authors note

I have deathly period cramps that knock me out cold afterwards and I finished my period a day ago (but I wrote this 2 months ago😭)

My audience are mainly women so you guys understand 😭😭😭it's so unfair sometimes, I hate my uterus so much that I've called it Karen.

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