When you hurt yourself

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This is an improved second chapter of the first because the last one was shit (all the beginning chapters are shit lol)

My job interview is tomorrow so this was a great way to distress, I'm so scared, but I need the bag...

My job interview is tomorrow so this was a great way to distress, I'm so scared, but I need the bag

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He's like a strict mum who only knows what tough love is. Sure he has a straight face but man his eyes widened and he let out the funniest gasp when he witnessed you fall from such a height. You couldn't help but giggle upon hearing it.

On the other hand, he didn't find it so funny, he thought you'd be dead, knocked unconscious, but thank god you were only whining about the pain, grateful for landing on the soft grass.

He's always attentive and watchful but after you get treated for your minor injuries, prepare to always have his nagging voice around you anytime you want to do anything wreck-less.

"Y/n L/n, where are your knee pads and elbow pads at?!" Like gees, you're riding a bicycle not a damned dragon. Besides, he makes you wear the ugliest helmet. It was Dora the explorer themed, heaven knows where he got it from.


He'll first laugh his ass off about your major failure of a backflip, landing on all fours with the pain electrocuting you from the knee above.
While you may be squealing in pain, he'll take his sweet time in coming to you with help. And by that I mean he'll sling your arm over your shoulder and help you back inside all while wheezing his lungs out.

One you two go inside, he'll play doctor by tapping the places that hurt and kissing them. Even going as far as to wear a pink maid headband and speak with a high pitched NPC anime baby voice. "There! Now Y/n all betteeer!" You'll hold in the urge to laugh and roll your eyes at how annoying he's being.

"Eren, I love you but these kisses aren't doing shit."

He gasped, hand on his chest as if you had insulted his entire bloodline. "How dare you doubt my kisses?!" He coughed, "I mean- Y/n san has made Eren Chan awll sad~"

"Quit that discord mod shit and fetch me an ice pack or something.." you shooed him off, watching victoriously as a petty Eren got off and mumbled under his breath, something about not being appreciated enough and how certain people have been spoilt rotten.

You ignored your sassy boyfriend and threw a pillow at him to speed him up.
"Oh and fetch some ice cream too!"


It was a chill Saturday, in which you and all your friends were playing rounders in the park. Zeke aimed the ball towards you, throwing it perfectly. With a clean hit of your bat, the ball flew straight into the air.

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