Playfighting with them

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I re-wrote this because the last playfight chapter was shit.

And I'm busy wondering whether I should write a Levi fanfic, a dilf Jean fanfic or a knight Erwin fic... and lowkey I feel like I should quit my Reiner fic

Thank you for the support even though I don't write often! I do write oneshots so if you want a scenario with a character just comment it here- or anywhere lol

Warning! Sexually suggestive

-finds it annoying at first, trying to fight back the urge to pounce on you and giggle with you like a shy school boy.
After you resort to tickling his sides he gives up and spins around to grab your hands, tumbling on the bed and wrestling with you. He doesn't need any strength to keep you down, you're too busy laughing under him

While wrestling with you made him feel 20 years younger, he had work to complete, so with you held down, he leans down to peck your forehead and leave back to his desk.


-Challenging him to a fight isn't the smartest idea, rather than a joke, he saw it as a challenge. Since Eren doesn't see you as a girlfriend/wife he sees you more as... an equal so he is never gentle with you under the assumption you are just as strong as he is.

Immediatily when you initiate the fight, he knocks into you and strangles you weakly but you manage to spring up and roll him onto his back, struggling to lock his palms over his head.

Somehow this excites him so much that he used all his strength. Now you're under him with teary eyes and a twisted arm.

"Holy fuck, I-I'm sorry! Are you okay?! Here let me help you lie down!"

Eren made it up to you by being your slave for the rest of the day, wincing anytime he heard you moan about the pain.


Bertholdt has the type of laugh that makes you so happy to hear, like it's not loud but it's hearty and you can tell he's having fun and that's exactly how he laughs when you wrestle him.

Being as tall as he is, he went easy on you, allowing himself to tumble around with you like two cubs until suddenly you pin him down, smirking above him.

He's probably turned on☠ submissive boi- AND HE DOESN'T EVEN TRY FIGHTING, HE ENCOURAGES IT BY SECRETLY USING HIS OWN STRENGTH TO THROW HIMSELF AROUND (to make you think you're stronger than him)

From that angle he's getting butterflies, if men had coochies, his would have a pulse anytime you did that😭😭


King of manhandling your S/O, it's so funny, he loves showing his strength off but he keeps having intrusive thoughts like 'holy fuck I could kill her right now if I go too hard.'

Here he is, hovering over you with one palm pinning both of yours above your head. (Size kink triggered?) Again, he's enjoying it, watching you wriggle and struggle to break free from him

While I did say he manhandles you, I forgot to mention he does it on a soft surface so that you don't get hurt. He's trying very hard to be gentle.

Scooping you up without warning and then effortlessly chucking you on the bed, throwing you into different positions everytime you break free, honestly he's just so fucking suggestive☠

-the only thing that hurts after a playfight with him is your ego.


-Isn't bothered at times but when he's in the mood he can have a lot of fun play fighting with you. Like the amount of times you've both fallen in weird and absurd positions makes him laugh so hard, he even takes photos sometimes.

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