you guys get lost

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-I think it's fairly obvious he's going to stay silent and tell you to shut up everytime you try saying something because he knows you're clueless
-he's just flipping the map upside down, right side up, to the left to the right
-you will get back and it won't be because of the map, you two agree to stalk a bird out of the forest😭😭😭

-he gets so frustrated. He has no idea how he got it wrong, he's retracing his steps and can't remember crap
-even though you're panicking yourself you have to remain calm because of how this boy sounds. He sounds like he's on the verge of getting electrocuted
-The whole time he's demanding you follow him because his memory is good and you just threaten to knock him out and carry him.

-he's somehow good at it, like he's been in the forest so many times that he knows it like the back of his hand
-since it's getting dark he smiles reassuringly and holds your hand so you don't lose him
-Okay but you two heard russling in the bushes and found two squirrels having seggs 💀that scared you more than the monster you were expecting
-sorry that headcannon was out of NOWHERE

-he's brave and shit until it's dark and gloomy and you two are in the middle of nowhere
-He BAWLS the moment he realises his phone has no signal so calling anyone is not possible
-is clinging onto your hand and denies it when you ask if he's still crying.
-at one point he thought he saw a ghost so he threw you over his shoulder and DARTED aimlessly while you wailed at the top of your lungs

-he carries a compass around with him 100%, is jokingly trying to scare you with myths
-I personally think you guys would get lost for the day and since it's night time you can't see anything so at that point he starts a fire and you both continue your journey in the morning
-turns out the exit was right in front of you but you know our baby horse💀 always a dunce

-he wouldn't cry or panic he would probably stand still and try to come up with a logical plan
-he most likely would help you climb up a tree to see how far away from the entrance of the forest you guys are
-I mean if it begins to get dark he can get very pale and paranoid, like the man kept walking into trees
-reminds you every 2 seconds that he's got you

-He's been keeping track of everything there's no way you could get lost
-he remembers things the old way, like a child. Something like:a red musbroom, then a tree stump, bridge, etc.
-NOTHING scares him, there could be a tiger inside that shit ass forest and he'd just 👁👁 hello

-he insists on climbing somewhere high to see everything beneath him, like you can't climb so you waited for him on the ground
-monkey man- He just needs his hands to climb, nothing else
-you did trip and hurt your knee so you got a piggyback ride on the monke man.
-you get back home faster than expected

-Not good to get lost with him, he gets so frustrated. He's so mad that he crumples the map and you just deadpan because it's the last piece of info that can save you
-Get a load of shit with you if you go hiking with him because there's a 90% chance you'll get lost and he'll either blame it on himself or rage like an animal
-at some point your friends find you because it had been too long and Porco just goes "Fucking finally" with his arms raised completely💀

-She doesn't give a fuck LMAO
-"Hey um, honey... we're lost..." you say, staring at the map as if it were an alien language. She stops her staring contest with the wood pecker and turns to you with an amused look. "Are we now?" She hums, returning her gaze back to the animal hidden within the shadow of the towering trees.
-Like I said, she can survive up to 3 months in the wild by herself
-Let's just say sometimes it's quick, other times you get Erwin and Levi to try and find you

-She sounds like a middle school teacher 💀 "Oh deary me... we're lost." She taps her chin and looks around in thought.
-I imagine you'd be the calmer person in the relationship but you'd lose your shit in this scenario
-She's just stroking your head while you have a full on panic attack, chuckling about how much you're overreacting and how the both of you will find your way back

-She's 100% the best person to get lost with
-Like Hange, strong and intelligent enough to survive in the wild but she'd rather not live like that and find a way out
-Tells you to stay behind her incase anything creeps up
-her words are so reassuring and true. Like if she says 'we'll make it out of here' she ain't playin
-Miss gurl here wouldnt sit her ass still SHES SEARCHIN THE WHOLE DAY

-Is rambling on how he's an expert on hikes and how he would never ever get lost.
-Chill we get it just find a way out😩
-He did make notes on what he saw on the way so that slightly helps but Mike seems like the type of person to move away from the exit by accident without even realising💀
-you could be telling him how the both of you are going to a different location and he just tells you to 'trust the process'

-you're terrified, she'd eat anything she deems edible tbh
-because you don't want that happening you both try to find your way back using the map yet you still fail
-However when she takes control of it, she begins to pull out knowledge that you never knew she had
-she's pretty fast at navigating her way back and protects both you and her surprisingly well

-curses under her breath and begins to try and remember her steps, will probably tell you to shut up even if you aren't saying anything
-like she's even scaring feral animals away from you guys💀
-eventually it's almost night time and she lets it out by wailing 'DAMN IT' at the top of her lungs with birds flying out of trees💀
-her last resort is to just keep walking even if it's almost nightime and thankfully you somehow make it out together

-He's making weird noises as supposed to groaning, realising you're both stuck in this shit ass forest
-I can tell you, he runs so that he can find the way out before night and worst part is he grabs your hand so you're just dying from the amount of sprinting he does
-He assumes everything is there to attack you both, a cat popping out of a bush? He wrapped his arms around you and squealed.

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