Reiner X Reader

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A/N another request yuh. I realised a lot of you like reverse comfort. I'm a big enjoyer of it too, if you have any thoughts or asks then just comment <3

Summary: Bringing Reiner's fever down

You spent the entire morning trying to get Reiner's fever down, succeeding only by a bit

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You spent the entire morning trying to get Reiner's fever down, succeeding only by a bit. He was still weak, quivering despite the blankies you had allowed him to overdose on.

Taking the thermometer out of his mouth, you sighed in pity, biting back a smile since you couldn't help but realise how adorable he was. With the migraine plaster on his head, chest heaving up and down, his hazel eyes steadied onto you, making your heart flutter.

"I can let you have ice cream if you want, it might help with your throat baby."

"Cold..." he whimpered.

"Then, soup?" You exhaled, "you're so boring when you're sick. Why would you rather that when we can have ice cream?"

The man shivering underneath you didn't answer, all you could hear was his teeth chattering. "You're really starting to worry me..." you scanned him, realising that maybe you shouldn't let him warm up. Perhaps it'd be better if you put him in a cold bath. You thought when you felt his sweaty neck.

If that puts his temperature down then you can finally stop feeling so paranoid- rightfully, how could you go about your day when he was sweating buckets at a time, eyes red and puffy?

Instead, you snatched the sheets off of him, causing him to cry out in pain, begging you to be nice to him at least just this once. "Come on Rein, let's bathe you, hm?" You helped him out of the bed, wondering how a man as big as him could oblige with you so fast.

Once you got him in, you helped him take his clothes off and turned the cold tap on, your heart shattering when you heard him cry out in shock.
"Shhh, it won't last that long." You kissed his sweaty forehead and stroked his tears away. You almost forgot just how emotional he gets when he's ill.

For a few seconds, you went into the bedroom to fetch whatever clothes you found that belonged to him. Rushing back to the bathroom as if he'd drown himself when you weren't looking.

Yet when you arrived, he was weeping in the bathtub, hugging his arms for an inch of warmth. By this time, the water reached just underneath his knees.

"Hey, don't cry..." you tried to comfort him, only to have him turn his face away from yours, giving you the cold shoulders. "Come on Reiner, I know that you're not yourself, look at you right now... just calm down." You placed your hand on his chest, gently pushing him to rest on the edge of the tub.

"Just stay like that, it'll only be for a bit, I promise you'll be so warm after." You whispered into his ear. Your attempts seemed to be succeeding as his shoulders softened up. The waterworks stopped and he only pouted, closing his aching eyes.

"You're being so good right now." You muttered while reaching for the plug inside the bath, letting the water slowly swirl down the drain. Reiner turned to you with confusion written all over his face at the descending water.
"Don't cry, it's all over now." You kissed his cheek. "Now do you think you could stand up for me baby?"

With help from the bath sides, he managed to get up, obedient as he waited for you to dry him off. It didn't take too long, you gently patted the water away with the towel. Working your way up to meet his tired eyes that were determined on you and only you. "What?" You chuckled before helping him out of the tub and putting his clothes on for him.

His response came out delayed as he kissed your cheek. You kissed his back, finally finished with changing him into shorts and a loose T-shirt.

"What shall we do now?" You hummed in thought, resting your hands on your hips. "Do you wanna help me cook?"

He nodded.

"You can stay in the living room while I do so. Let's go." You took his arm and helped him down the stairs, your other arm wrapped around his waist in case he trips or anything. Though it's not like you could hold him back if he fell, it would only mean you'd topple over with him. Because if Reiner goes down, you go down with him.

Knowing this, the blonde did everything in his power to carefully get to the last step and succeeded when he finally felt the wooden floor beneath his slippers, sighing out in relief. Though, as you took him to the sofa he began struggling slightly, giving you a questioning look. 

"What?" You blinked. He motioned at the sofa and then the kitchen. "Oh you wanna be with me?" he nodded enthusiastically. "Well, you can't. Now, lay down, I don't think I can handle another scare." A part of you shattered when his face visibly dropped in sadness.

"Sorry. The kitchen just gets too warm fast, I don't want your temperature rising again."He still didn't smile, only allowing you to help him lay down then face away from you. You rolled your eyes at the dramatic man, "You're getting pouty again aren't you?" 

"MmM"- he shook his head. Turning his head to blink up at you. "You're lucky you're so cute." You threatened, accusingly pointing a finger inches away from his face, his hazel eyes peering down at it, appearing like a confused honey bear. You couldn't keep count of the number of times he had melted your heart by just looking at you- alas, you couldn't keep pinching his cheeks and squeezing the poor man, your cuteness aggression had to be held back before you tightly hug him into nothing.

"Oh come here!" At the realisation that you gave in to your violence, he squirmed from underneath you, uncontrollably smiling with every peck landing on his face, he had no idea why you thought he was adorable but he wasn't complaining. 

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