Characters reacting to your death

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(no Reiner slander in the comments or else I'll find you, cut your ass up into bacon strips and feed it to you with more love and care than your parents ever gave you)

(A/N this chapter depressed me because there were limited words I could use 🗿)

Also this is because the last chapter was ass. And I realised how cringe it is when you write something serious and you make it sound like a Snapchat post so

Levi: He thought he had seen the worse, most horrid things through his life, yet what he discovered had completely twisted his mind

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He thought he had seen the worse, most horrid things through his life, yet what he discovered had completely twisted his mind. Why him? Why did he have to always go through this? He could barely bring himself to stumble towards your motionless body, staring in disbelief, only thinking of all those moments with you. Are you only a memory now?

Maybe, he would think every night as you laid by his side, maybe she's here to stay with me, maybe she's not like the rest- she won't die, Y/n will never leave. Levi gulped the heavy knot in his throat, perhaps he must have jinxed this.

Kneeling beside your body, his voice wobbled, wide grey eyes thinned on the edge of insanity. "Y-Y/n?" He called out, begging that you'd just open your eyes, or at least twitch slightly. Hell even springing up and revealing that this was one of your dumb pranks. Yet as seconds passed by, he could only feel himself slip into frustration.

"Wake up..." he gently shook your limp body, "Wake up, Y/n open your fucking eyes! That's an order!" His voice croaked with every word, whimper straining in the violent gush of wind. "I said... that's an order..." he tightly shut his prickling eyes with his face crinkling in pain.

It was only so long before he broke down, losing to his own promises and rules. Enveloping you to his body, he held your face close. "I'm begging you! Why can't you just-" He sounded on the verge of death as he sucked a strangled breath in before wailing at the top of his lungs, "CAN'T I HAVE ONE FUCKING THING?!!"

Though he saw the future play out in his own head, he accepted it. Everything. Losing his friends, his family, the entire world. What he couldn't come to terms with was you dying. He knew it was time he just didn't realise it would be so soon.

He couldn't care less about his surroundings anymore, nothing mattered in his head except for this last moment he'd get with you. Who knew how long it'd be before you'd succumb to your injury.

Scooping you into his arms, he held you closely to his neck, hoping to hear every last word you needed to tell him. "Eren..." You mumbled, weakly grasping at his shirt collar. "I can't go yet..." you struggled to say. It sounded as if even you couldn't believe you were going to die.

"I know, Y/n." He tightened his arms around you, his eyebrows stuttering into a deep frown. "I know..."

"I doubt anything cou-could have...have prevented this, Eren." You whispered one last time, in a failed effort to comfort yourself.

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