Warriors reacting to you feeling cold

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•This awkward giant can't make too big a move, no matter how long you've been together he still blushes at the smallest gestures.

•So he guiltily watches you shiver and try your hardest to seem cool. He envisions himself taking off his coat and covering you in it like a blankie. But he decides against it, understanding you'd just argue for him to take it back.

•instead, he slides a slender arm around your shoulder and holds you close to his body. Who knew such a lanky body could give off so much heat.
He smiles as you nudge yourself further against him.

•Seeing as how isolated the area was, he bent down to kiss your head, "My little bunny." He whispered, his smile reaching his eyes.


•Reiner warned you, not once, not twice but three times about how cold it was outside and how you'd regret leaving your coat at home. However you brushed him off and even told him to leave your coat home- that he'd just be carrying it the entire way.

•And now, you wish you had listened to him. The wind nipped and whipped your aching shoulders, the cold painfully numbing your hands. You rubbed yourself harder, yet to no avail.

•You could barely hear Reiner sigh from behind you before sudden sheet of warmth enveloped you. The scent of his cologne and the fluffiness of his coat overwhelmed you, yet you couldn't help but feel guilty.
"Rei..." you glanced at him staring at you in disappointment.

•"What would happen if I wasn't here? You would have caught a cold sweetheart." He scolded, warmly yet firmly. "But now you'll catch a cold!" You exasperated.

•"nah, I was sweating underneath that, besides I'm covered in layers. I'll be fine." He tugged, pulling you right against him.


•Zeke is quite the opposite of Reiner, whom gets bossy when noticing how careless you can be. No, Zeke is nonchalantly lighting a cigar to his mouth. Through the small beam of fire, he catches you shivering.

"Is my clumsy baby cold?" His voice caught you off guard. He hadn't given you a chance to speak as he grabbed your hands and rubbed them in his, generating enough heat for the numbness to calm down.

"A little..." you a huffed a trail of smoke. "Don't worry we'll be home in a bit, just hang on a little longer."


•You'd think Porco would hold back in public but he really doesn't.
He's beefy enough to warm you up and there's enough space in his coat for the both of you.

•The second you even complain about the weather he's already opened his coat open and waiting for you to jump in. You best know you're not getting out of there until he feels your satisfied enough.

•I have a hunch that people ask what he's hiding underneath his coat and your head will pop up like 👋 good day sir


•There is nothing in this world that she does not prepare for. She has a tote bag. And in this tote bag, there is nothing but convenience.
Someone fell down and scratched their knee? She for some reason has a first aid kit waiting inside? Her friend complaining about forgetting to bring hair clips? She has a whole salon in her bag.

•so when you hug yourself, expect her to dig deep into her bag and pull out a scarf that's more like a blanket if anything.

•She stands in front of you and swaddles you in it. Best part? It smells like candy.

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