Porco SFW Alphabet

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Well hello there

I got a request from tumblr to do this and honestly I myself wanted to as well so 🤷‍♀️

I got a request from tumblr to do this and honestly I myself wanted to as well so 🤷‍♀️

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—A (Affection, how affectionate are they?)

•In front of everyone, Porco is this tough guy who never breaks his strength facade. But behind closed doors, he's curled up in your side and  hugging you as you play with his hair.

•Please, he acts like an entitled cat when you're both alone, constantly demanding attention from you.

•I guess in return, he messes up your hair. Not even in private, in front of people. The smile he gives you makes others so jealous, poor guy even scrunches his nose when he smiles at you. He doesn't even know he's doing it

(For reference, he's smiling like a tiktok girl💀💀)

—B (Best friend, how would he be like as a best friend?)

•He actually disliked you at first 💀

•He'd witness you helping other people, reaching unnecessary measures just to be kind and it confused him. A midst all this war, all this starvation in the town and you still give up what you need for people who want?!

•So there he was before you, bullying you. He was around 11 years old at this point, deep down he knew he had a crush on you. That's why he'd protect you behind your back, watching over you and hurting whoever dared to try anything on you.

•His bullying was never horrific it was just usual teasing, taking your things and making fun of them while holding it away from you.

"What're you gonna do about it?" He'd say, looking at you with a smug grin. "Porco, I'd let you keep it but I can't see without my glasses."

"Mhmm?" His eyes would go soft as you jump and try to catch them, he was soft... for you.

When you both grow he kinda realises just how fucked up he was, to show his love for you by bullying you. But like here he is at twenty years old, trying to win your love all over again.

•he does this by getting you small things, hair clips, snacks when he feels like you aren't eating but he'd play it off as: "Oh this? It was but one get one free so-" (it was not buy one get one free 😭😭😭😭😭😭)

•he's been known to insult Reiner for being a coward but sheesh Porco turns into red goo anytime he's around you, he's so flustered and ends up smacking himself anytime you leave the room because he thinks he embarrassed himself. Poor dude

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