Specific Characters X Healer! Reader

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I have another ask 😊 don't have to answer now, I don't want you to be over whelmed. Though thought I have in mind would be how would Erwin, Levi, bertholdt, Reiner, moblit, hange, and Kenny react to finding a maiden who has healing abilities?

Like Katara from the last air bender on how she can use her bending to heal. If you are confused I'd be happy to explain more 🥰

I assume these characters would be injured since Y/n seems so hellbent on hiding these powers. It seems like a great fan fiction idea!!


To me, Erwin seems like the type to hide an injury on purpose, to not drag you behind.

However as his vision blurs with surroundings muffling and buzzing in his ear, he begins to regret not treating that deep stab wound earlier. He didn't even have the time to, the escape was once in a lifetime, he couldn't let you down. After all, he was the one who came up with it. He'd be failing you both.

As you inch further away from his grasp, he reaches further, wanting to call your name, to at least tell you that he loved you before death. Yet all that came out was a quivered whimper.

Meanwhile you weren't sure what the hold up with Erwin was. You weren't sure if your captors knew the trail of your destiny, whether they followed you or not. So why was he taking his sweet time. When you had asked why he ran so slowly, he'd tell you that he was watching out from behind.

Yet, when his limp footsteps had faded, you weren't sure what to be scared about. The possibilities were endless.

"Erwin?" You stuttered, "hey..." you called out, tracing back into the direction you came from, it wasn't far, until you saw the blur of blonde hair on the muddy leaves of the forest.

Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach, realising he had collapsed. "Erwin!" You sprinted to his body, slipping on some mud and messily kneeling beside him. You gently rolled him onto his back, pupils thinning at how pale his skin had become. Still, you pulled him onto your lap, checking his heart beat and breathing patterns.

It didn't take too long for you to find the suspect of his faint pulse. His dirtied shirt, soaked in his own blood. You could barely think above the loud beating in your head, how long had he been like this?! Why did he hide it from you?! How much blood did he lose?!

"Hey..." you choked back a terrified sob, frantically patting his cheek, "Hey, 'Win, wake up..." upon realising that he was unconscious by now, you decided on the last resort. Something you never thought you'd do again.

Lifting his shirt to reveal the wound on his abdomen, you took out your pocket knife and sliced the inside of your palm, hissing as the blood trickled to his wound, you didn't know if this could do it, but if it could then you'd never disgrace your powers again. You'd be proud of them. You'd do anything, just to bring him back.

Hoping for the best, you massaged the blood in, the texture of his cut slowly smoothing out from underneath your warm palm. Good. It was working. With his skin slowly regaining colour, you could feel a heavy weight float off your chest. You sighed in relief and held his head to the crook of your neck.

"Erwin..." your face lit up at the feeling of his breath fanning your neck, he was okay. You made it in time. Your arms tightened around him, scared that if you let go for a second, he'd succumb to blood loss again.

"Y/n..." he hoarsely spoke. "You idiot..." you sniffled, "I thought I lost you." Still cradling his head, you craned your neck to look at him. His brows glistened with sweat, furrowed in confusion as his hand glossed over yours, looking for his wound.

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