waking up next to them

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Authors note: I finally moved houses, it's alright but I feel homesick. Still al hamdilallah

His arms are loosely wrapped around you, sometimes in a loose headlock while your head is on his arm. Usually, he wakes up first and is pretty sneaky when it comes to leaving the bed. The only clue would be how the warmth on your torso is gone.
He doesn't just leave out of nowhere, he's not that cold. Sometimes, if he feels like you're deep in your sleep he would definitely kiss your head or stroke your cheek softly.
He's the type to tuck you in with the messed up blankets and let you wake up by yourself

If he wakes up and he's in a good mood he'll turn to your side and squeeze you tightly in a hug.
However if he wakes up in his usual EREH mood then he'll get up before you and then come back to bounce and shake the bed so you can wake up too.
Like he's just violently singing while opening the curtains wide
Eventually you wake up but not without beating him with the pillows

When he first wakes up, he'll stare at you, as if to memorise your face, scanning every single feature, old or new.
He's just admiring you to be honest, a little bit of gratitude in the morning can make your life so much better and that's exactly what you do, you make him realise gratitude is the important and how lucky he is.

You usually wake up to his stubble scratching against your cheek as he rubs his own cheek on yours🥺
I swear it's so warm when you wake up he's like a human sized hot water bottle and he's so cuddly and warm and squishy, his body softens up when he sleeps.
Basically he's just a life sized teddy bear that refuses to let go of you
He loves to start his day by guilt tripping you into staying, but you can't really say no can you?
I could go on and on all day about how NICE it feels to have him hug you.

"Wake up sleepyhead." He tries poking your cheek to wake you up but you do nOt budge so he has to resort to other options like pinching your cheeks, maybe even rocking your body back and forth and sometimes just straight up pushing you off the bed. When Jean wants to wake up, he wants you to as well.
Though by the need he ends up screaming in his high pitched girly tone once he notices you getting back up with a death glare and instantly chase after him.

He is really chill to be honest even if his sleeping positions can get a bit weird, like he's under the blankets sleeping on your belly and somehow wakes up without any breathing difficulties. When you sleepily catch him, he'll give you a clumsy smile and say he was a bit cold.
When it's time to get up, he'll kiss your cheek and leave to get ready, leaving you to sleep some more.
Unless you don't have work to complete he's going to have to wake you up :( but like it's gentle and not violent like Eren or Jean

-he looks like he can get out of bed without any difficulty but FIRST just stares at you for a while and then gently pushes your body off of his so that he can leave without waking you up
-he tends not to tell you how much he loves you so he secretly just inhales the way you look in the morning, it gives him energy for the day

-He really doesn't enjoy leaving the comfort of his own bed, let alone your embrace, he finds security in your arms and wants to stay there for eternity but his stupid alarm clock-
-Waking up next to him means having your torso held tightly and you're so close to getting convinced into staying in, he's really warm and cuddly in the morning.
-"Y/N we're on a floating rock in the middle of space, does anything else matter right now?" He's just trying to get you to stay in and forget whatever work you have left that day

-Out of the two of you, I can say that you probably cling into him in the morning.
-He's waking up with a slightly blurred vision and something restraining his torso, until he rubs his eyes he realises it's you burying your face in his side
-The amount of times he had tried to peel your arms off is unbelievable, it just doesn't work.
-"Y/N, you have work too, wake up..." he nudges your forehead with his finger, as if he's afraid to touch you.
-"Noooo fuck off." You hug tighter
-"What- What did you just tell me?!"
"Okay then fuck here."

-She's excited for another day and sits up straight with her hair flying in every direction with a grin plastered on her face
-Unless she has boring work to do that day she's casually getting up
-Usually she rubs your cheek or tucks hair behind your ear *even if it's incredibly short or non existant*
-most of the time it's a kiss on the cheek bone before she leaves
-I doubt she wakes you up by force, it's really just teasing you until you decide to wake up

-As lazy as she can get, she doesn't enjoy being late to places or events so she goes an extra mile to get up on time, perhaps replacing her body with a pillow so that you have something to hug
-she doesn't really wait for you to get up since she leaves at a different time and probably leaves you food for when you DO get up

-Her hand gently lays on your chest before she plants a kiss on your cheek, she really enjoys the fact that you're the first thing she sees when she wakes up
-Really gentle with waking you up since she wants to spend her morning with you before leaving to work and honestly you don't mind, a morning with Mika is like a morning in heaven
-Just having a nice sweet conversation while having breakfast as the sun begins to rise
-Probably requests for a kiss before she actually goes💀

-Now I know he seems like a stoic kinda guy but he's like a puppy in secret.
-He wakes up and rubs his eyes, he hates the aggressive morning light creaking in through the cracks of the curtains but then he notices you holding on to his waist from next to him and softens up.
-Like his eyes actually glitter up and his eyebrows curl upwards as he finds how grateful he is that he gets to wake up next to you another day
-brings you closer to him and smiles to himself

-The blanket is only covering her belly and she mumbles to herself before waking up to check if she was fantasizing or not
-Until she turns to find you pulling on her PJ sweatpants
-Immediatily wakes you up like a child on christmas but that depends on how much sleep she got
-I call this the Sasha Metre! 1-8 hours of sleep, she will fall back and probably put you in a chokehold while cuddling you  9-10 she's bouncing on you until you get tf up

-I think her mornings, before meeting you, was casual and usually the same boring routine but now it's more fun
-She doesn't scowl at the news when you turn on the TV while making breakfast anymore, in fact she's infascinated just like you. *or any show you like to watch in the morning*
-Quite a few times she's happy with what she has, and lets you know with a long hug in the kitchen *When I say long I mean 30-60 seconds*

-This either pisses you off or makes you giggle, but when this man gets up, he likes to yawn and stretch his arms everywhere. And when he yawns, it's just a scream.
-"It's eight in the morning Kennerina, can you just shut up?" You playfully toss to other way.
-Of course he smothers you in the pillows jokingly (I mean he's just pretending to be offended)
-"Call me Kennerina one more time and I'm choking you." *you say it*
-He just hugs you real tight if I'm honest, it's a nice headlock not a suffocating one.

Authors note: I keep having to leech off of my sisters hotspot for this but I really like writing these fluff chapters💀💀

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