03. Astar - Red Room

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Since this story will be particularly spicy...I have also posted this on inkitt under the same username. X Someone asked if this would be enemies to lovers and yes, it is enemies to lovers.

Five minutes. Three Hundred Seconds. Three Hundred Thousand Milliseconds.

I've been standing outside of Red Room three for five minutes. At this point, I've memorised every little detail of the engraved number on the door. From how the paint was slightly chipped on the zero to how the paint on the three looked like a completely different shade of red. Surely someone else has noticed this and it wasn't just me, or maybe my brain was playing tricks on me. I wouldn't be surprised.

My hand made contact with the cold metal of the door handle, turning it slightly before the door gave away and opened before me. The first thing I noticed was the deep red lights in the room, obscuring my view of everything. There was a pole in the middle, lifted upon a foundation. A bed was behind the pole—a few feet away but behind it nonetheless. Two couches lined either side of the walls, making an area for people to watch whoever performs on the pole.

My eyes roamed off to the side just briefly, checking to make sure that the camera was recording but to my surprise, the red dot wasn't flashing. A heavy ball of nerves filled my tummy upon the realisation that this wouldn't be recorded, however, when I turned my head a bit to the left I could see two men sitting on the couch—which caught me by surprise. 

Realisation dawned upon me whenever I got a good look at them. No wonder the cameras weren't recording. Tony would do whatever he could to please Harry Styles and his precious little gang. That didn't ease my nerves any though.

"I paid good money for you to put a show on for us, darling." A rather deep voice spoke, breaking me out of my stupor. My eyes blinked a few times before landing on Harry, realising that he was the one speaking to me.

My legs moved before my mind caught up, stepping up onto the platform and grasping the pole without a second thought. It was crazy what a pretty man could get you to do with just a few words. The deep sultry bass filled the room at once the second I stepped onto the platform. The chosen song was 'wicked games' by the Weeknd. Through-out my entire performance, I could feel eyes burning into me, assessing my every move as if I was out on display just for them. In a way, I was.

They were completely silent as they watched me move, obscenely arching my back against the pole as I slowly sunk to my knees before falling forward on the platform, resting my hands on it as my eyes met Harry's. His long, ring clad pointer finger beckoned me towards him the second I made eye contact with him and who was I to disobey him?

The feeling of the carpet was rough under my knees as I crawled towards the man, keeping my eyes locked on his just to see if his gaze would waver. Most people would stray from direct eye contact because it was intimate, yet he held my gaze the entire time like it was a game for both of us. I quickly decided that two could play this game as I sat between his spread legs, moving to lay my cheek on the inside of his thigh like I had done previously to Zayn.

The other man was radio silent beside Harry yet his gaze was red hot on me. Harry's fingers came to grasp my jaw, roughly forcing me to look up at him and tearing me from my thoughts. I made sure to make direct eye contact once more with the man, my hazel ones boring into the green of Harry's.

The silence between us quickly became uncomfortable so I placed my other hand on his thigh, using my weight to push myself up so that we were face to face before slipping into his lap with ease. Not once did I break the eye contact that we had.

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