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This is part ONE of a triple update

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This is part ONE of a triple update. See you at the end. x

A small sigh falls from my lips as the five lads stare right back at me. The final heist. It happens in three days. Three.

I can't remember the last time I spoke to Wren or Jesse. Hell, I wonder if they've come to the conclusion that I have sorta detached myself from them. Do they know that I've deviated? Gone rogue? Or do they think I'm in so deep that I can't be caught so I cut off all communication with them?

Whatever it is, I skipped my appointment with Wren at the Bluebird Cafe. I can only imagine what's going through her head. I bet she thinks I'm a fool for going against my family for five men I barely know, but I highly doubt MI6 was ever a family to me. Only Rodney treated me like family and since he's no longer with us, who do I have? Jesse? The man who took a mission from someone he doesn't even know? Who he's never seen? That asked for me specifically? All respect and trust for him went out the window the second I learned that.

The only person I can really trust is myself for now. Then again, I'm sort of a loose cannon so can I even trust myself? After all, the person I have been this entire time has been a lie.

They all know me as Astar Lennox and now I'm in far too deep to let them know who I really am.

I'm too late. It wouldn't even matter. Especially not before the final heist.

We all need our heads on right for this.

Besides, they will probably never see me again after the final heist. It's for the best after all. Spare them the pain. Besides, when they find out, I'll probably have a bounty on my head. Betrayal isn't something that they'll take lightly and I'm just happy I won't be here to watch that happen from the inside.

So for now, I have myself and Harry because I trust him out of all of the boys.

He's never given me a reason not to trust him.

"Alright," I begin, pushing a smile upon my face as I write in all capital letters the name of the hotel. "The Sheraton Grand Hotel,"

"The Red Beryl will be showcased in the ballroom, right on the stage. Since Liam was able to get us the floor plan for the night..." I drown off, moving to tape the blueprints of the entire hotel up and the floor plan for the night of the heist. Paper copies were much better than digital ones. Less to trace. Easy to get rid of by burning.

At the end of the night, the Red Beryl will be gone and so will we. Almost as if we weren't even there in the first place.

At least, that's the plan.

"There will be metal detectors upon entering but we must assume that everyone will have a weapon of some sort. From the roster of individuals, there will be a lot of big names in attendance and they will have a lot of leverage. Any of them can easily bring a weapon in,"

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