18. Astar - Tell Me Five Things

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Warning: Consumption of various alcoholic beverages, mixing different coloured liquids and the usage of hard drugs such as cocaine. 

Despite the fact that Harry never explicitly told me if I can or can't have a plus one, I invited Sapphire anyways.

So, here we are, blindly picking out each other's outfits from my closet. I grab a little black dress with thin straps for her to wear, laying it down on my bed with a dark wash denim jacket to go over it. Next to the outfit, I had just picked out for her was a pair of leather trousers and a black wrap shirt.

I move to grab the outfit, removing the sweats I was wearing along with the shirt before I pull the outfit on, letting Sapphire tie the shirt in the back so that I don't have to turn and do it myself in the mirror. I let her get dressed as I move into the bathroom, climbing up to sit on the counter with my feet in the sink as I curl my hair, letting it fall down in loose waves before starting my makeup.

I decide to keep it simple, drawing on my wing eyeliner and then dusting my cheeks with highlighter. I go for my signature red lip, rubbing my lips together slowly to evenly spread the product out before doing a kiss test on the back of my hand like I always do.

Sapphire appears behind me, her hair now in space buns on top of her head as a few curly pieces fell out into her face. All she slides onto her lips is a thin coat of lip gloss, rubbing her lips together to make sure that it doesn't turn white on the inner corners before she grins at me.

She's effortlessly beautiful.

"Do you know how many people are going to be there?" She questions, moving to rest her chin on my shoulder, near the crook of my neck, eyes glued to me as she watches me do my makeup.

"I'm assuming not too many considering they barely trust anyone." I snort, adding mascara to my eyelashes, including the bottom lashline as Sapphire wraps her arms around my middle and stays close to me. It's obvious that physical touch is her love language. I may not like close contact, but her presence makes me feel calm so I decide not to tell her to move.

Sapphire may be the only person that I have let touch me like this in years which catches me off guard. I think back to how we were cuddled on the couch, clutching onto each other like vices, like we would slip right through each other's fingertips at any given moment. I feel safe in her presence.

"A nice, little party with the boys. I'm excited to get to meet all of them finally. Have only ever spoken to Harry and the other one, the one that looks like he walked out of a magazine." She backs away right as I finish my makeup, giving me space to get off of the countertop and I do just that.

A honk can be heard outside of my studio apartment, signalling that Oliver has arrived to pick us up.


It is not a small, little party consisting of just the boys.

The second we pull up to the house, driving around the massive fountain that is in the centre of the driveway to Harry's place, I notice the plethora of parked black Mercedes G-Wagons and Cadillac Escalades. The windows are completely tinted to where I can't see inside of them. It is also pitch black outside, but regardless, the windows are completely black.

There are other members of the gang here and possibly other gangs in attendance. Some of the cars even look like mafia cars. From what I can see, some of the cars don't have a license plate, where a plate should be is vacant.

I can take a wild guess and assume that the windows are also bulletproof.

Good thing there's currently a knife sitting pretty on my ankle for quick access, if I need it.

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