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This is the finale

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This is the finale. Part three of the triple update. See you at the end, starshines ⭐️

The building lines the streets so, unlike Monaco, there are no steps that need to be ascended. I clutch onto Harry's hand as the limo stops right outside of the hotel, a red carpet having been rolled out for guests to walk in on.

There are two men dressed in all black at the entrance, black shades on as well with earpieces in their ears. Security. I just know there are loads more inside.

Harry gives my hand a small squeeze, letting me know that it's okay and that he's by my side.

"Are you ready?" Harry's voice hits my ears, causing me to raise my head to look at him. There's no backing out now.

Last-minute we decided that only Niall will be left out in a van about a block down, watching the cameras and feeding us information through our inner ears. Now, Louis and Zayn sit across from us in the car.

Harry is the first to get out, holding the door open and outstretching his hand for me to take.

I push a smile upon my face as I exit the vehicle, intertwining our fingers as we make it past the first guards. I can hear the boys chatting shit behind me, Louis' cursing hitting my ears before anything falls from Zayn's lips.

The revolving door moves with ease as Harry and I pass through. We even make it through the metal detectors with ease. I turn to look at Harry, grabbing his hand once more so that we can make our way past the guests and into the ballroom where the auction is being held.

Harry has paid for two tables to my knowledge. Louis and Zayn will be sitting close to the stage where the chunk of Red Beryl will be revealed, meanwhile, Harry and I will be more towards the back.

We needed to assess the crowd, see who is attending and who isn't there.

Also so we can trickle one by one to the closet to retrieve our weapons from Liam.

Harry's hand is now on the small of my back, leading me over to where the bar is. I lean against the roughness of the bar, nodding whenever the bartender asks me if I would like a champagne flute. "Thank you..."I drown off, moving to grab it.

"John," he nods, pulling off the rag on his shoulder so that he can wipe down the bartop.

"Well, thank you, John," I nod. "Anything you can tell me about this auction?" I ask, deciding to make small talk and also see if we can learn anything.

Chandeliers line the ceiling, three of them total. The tables sit diagonally of each other, surrounded by red-velvet chairs that have gold rims and the stage has the curtains closed which doesn't surprise me. They're probably waiting for everyone to arrive. So for now, small talk will do. 


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