37. Astar - Hesitation

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Wren grins as she moves to step into the apartment, pulling me in for a hug. "Hey babes," she hums, looking around before taking the glass of red wine right from my hand that I brought to the living room with me.

"It's been a while since you've checked in with Jesse and everyone so I decided to just come over. I hope that's okay,"

I have yet to give Wren an answer. Instead, I move to shut the door behind me, making my way over to the kitchen. I grab yet another wine glass and fill it up to the brim once more, trying to forget just how weird the day has been and how it just got even weirder. Is there a word for that? A never-ending weird day? Maybe a series of unfortunate events?

"Uh..." I breathe out upon returning to the living room, moving to take my seat next to Wren who has now made her home on the couch. "Not that I'm upset with you coming by because I'm not but I'm just a little caught off guard,"

My hand moves to grasp onto one of the white throw pillows that I have on top of the burnt orange couch, placing it on my lap as I cross my legs over one another. The other brings my glass up to my lips, keeping my eyes on Wren as she sips the glass that she stole from me.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a way to contact you, did I? It wasn't like I could call a phone booth and ask someone to track you down to call me, no?" she asks, giving me a pointed look before taking yet another sip of her wine. We'll probably both be wine drunk by the end of the night and at this point, that's probably the best thing for me. Wren coming over is definitely a blessing in disguise, she is my best friend after all.

"Fair enough, fair enough," I laugh, setting my glass of wine down on the coffee table as I move to pull my hair up into a bun so that it isn't constantly falling down in my face. "Is Jesse riding your dick?"

"When is he not riding my dick? Oh! That reminds me, Jesse wants you to come by his office on one of your days off. Just tell the others you have a doctor's appointment or something, or you're taking a mental health day. I don't know. He wants to go over what your plans here are," she grumbles, rolling her eyes, "apparently me reporting back to him isn't good enough."

My nose scrunches up in distaste at the idea of having to go to the headquarters. It's not that I don't want to go, because they have become my family but I don't know who these people in black are. Should I mention them to Wren? What is the point? That could risk me getting pulled from this mission and that's the last thing that I want.

As much as I don't want to admit it, in a way, the boys here have become more of a family than some of the people at MI6. Although, no one can replace Rodney, whom I finally got to grieve.

"Rodney is dead," I breathe, deciding to lead with that. It's something big and I can get out of mentioning the heist to either of them.

Wren pauses upon hearing this information, glancing down at her glass of wine before she's taking a long sip from it. I can only assume that this is the first that she's heard of it. If not, she's a damn good actress.

"What do you mean Rodney's dead?" She breathes out, turning to face me. She definitely doesn't know.

"I don't know the story but from what I could gather, he was undercover at some weapons drop and Harry immediately figured it out. He...fuck," I breathe out, moving to take another long sip from the glass. I would need the liquid courage to talk about this. I don't know if I'll ever be able to speak about Rodney's death without a bit of liquid courage.

"Harry tortured him. Then Rodney said some shit that pissed Harry off, so Harry just killed him." I shrug, deciding to leave out the part where Harry killed Rodney because he bad mouthed me. Which makes him sleeping with Sapphire even weirder, no? It's obvious he cares about me? At least in some sense?

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