20. Astar - Divine Woman (✰)

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Warning: This involves girlxgirl smut. This chapter is particularly filthy. Enter at your own risk. If you want to skip it, that's more than okay. It's essentially porn without plot.

Touch some grass after. All the love. x


My hands grip onto the pole with vigor, hoisting myself up before using my upper body strength to make the pole spin as I spin with it, leaning my head back as the music fills the quietest parts of my brain.

I roll my hips fluidly against the pole once my feet touch the stage, tongue darting out to lick over my lips slowly as I take in the crowd.

The bass is what fuels me along with the plethora of eyes that are glued to my every move as if I'm hypnotizing them.

"She don't play nice..."

I can see all of the boys in the crowd, minus Liam because he has shift training to be a Security guard at the hotel. Due to how buff Liam is and his job history that Niall drew up for him, they hired him on as a security guard instead of a Janitor. Which makes it easier for us when it comes to the heist.

He's missing out on a damn good show though. His loss. 

"She makes me beg..."

I reach down, grabbing the handcuffs off of my hip, dangling them in front of Niall's face as I step off of the stage. "What, little one?" I purr, straddling his hips as I sink into his lap.

Niall's eyes are wide, eyes flicking between my breasts and eyes, unsure of where to look as my finger slowly trails down his chest. I make sure to unbutton a few of the buttons as I do so, leaning forward to sing into his ear.

"I want a naughty girl like you.." I lick over the crest of his ear so he feels me, hearing Niall take in a sharp breath like he's struggling to breathe. This only spurs me on as I grind down, feeling everyone's eyes on me at this point.

"Cat got your tongue, Little one? You're usually a chatterbox." I chastise, watching as Niall's head rolls back to rest on the seat. "There's nothin' hotter than us two." I continue, my hips moving against his thickening cock with ease to the shaking bass beat.

I can feel everything through the skimpy cop costume that I have on which leaves my breasts falling out. Every little move I make causes them to jiggle, begging for attention. Niall is giving them exactly what they deserve and then some as he leans forward, pressing wet kisses to the top of my breasts.

I take this moment to move his hands behind the seat, handcuffing them there so he can't touch me. "Sorry, Titty boy..." I purr, taking his ear between my teeth and giving it a small tug before I clamber out of his lap, walking behind the row of seats in the front row.

I then lean down once I reach Louis' seat, my lips attaching to his neck as I let my hands roam under his slightly unbuttoned shirt. Louis welcomes every little touch, tilting his head to the side a bit to expose his neck to me. My fingers pinch at his nipples, giving them a tug for good measure as my eyes stay glued to his crotch. His cock gives a twitch which is exactly what I want.

"Mmm. Am I being good for you, Sir?" I huskily whisper against his ear, making sure it's loud enough to travel over the music for him to hear. The song has since ended and rolled into another one, but I could honestly care less. Louis' cock is thickening with ease the more I pinch at his nipples and speak, eventually abandoning him altogether and moving over to my next victim.

Zayn. He's staring at me like I'm prey. He's a tiger and I'm his dinner. He's in for a surprise though as I place my hand on his shoulder, fingers dancing slowly against the clothed skin. "Remember when you and Harry didn't let me cum? Just edged me until I was gasping?" I question, knowing that in a way Harry has already paid for that, however, I have yet to get my revenge from Zayn.

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