13. Astar - Oh, darling. (✰)

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Thirty minutes.

It took us thirty minutes to get to whoever's house this was from the rundown warehouse that was a makeshift shooting range.

The drive over was an intense one. I was sitting in the back between Zayn and Niall while Harry and Louis sat up front, conversing quietly to where I couldn't hear them.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that they were either conjuring up plans for me or talking about the gang, something I would be excluded from.

I was more than preoccupied with Zayn and Niall though, both of their hands seeming to be glued to the inside of my thighs, dangerously close to my pussy. Who was I to complain though considering I knew exactly what was about to happen?

Their favourite thing seemed to be teasing me, making me shift in my seat to try and get comfortable but the second I would find the perfect spot, they'd go right back to teasing me so that I would have to move again. The teasing consisted of them brushing their knuckles right up against the skin where my thigh met my pussy, causing my breath to occasionally hitch.

Every now and then my eyes would catch Harry's in the rearview mirror. His knuckles would occasionally turn white from how hard he was grasping at the steering wheel moving his eyes from where the lad's hands were back up to my face in the mirror before turning back to the road. He would shift in his seat as well, bringing the hand down that wasn't on the steering wheel to pull his pants down some.

The fact that such small actions had the biggest effects on him left me wanting to see what other minor things caused him to topple over the edge.

That led me to where I am now. The house that we pulled up to was white and gated, orange trees lining the way up to the door. A part of me thought this would be something Harry would do but also I highly doubt Harry would bring me to his house this early on.

I take Zayn's hand whenever he offers it, saying a small 'thank you' as I step out of the Range Rover. I'm immediately hit with the strong scent of oranges as we all walk up to the front door. My eyes follow everyone's movements, documenting as much as I could for later however I doubted I would retain anything after the day was over.

Niall moves to place his hand up against the door, a click is heard before he pushes it open. My eyebrows rise to my forehead at this new information. He hadn't used a key or even just turned the door handle. They were chipped. This was smart but also a bit risky. However, it told me a lot about how skilled Niall really was.

Then again it could just be Niall considering he was the techy of the group.

I wonder how many programs he had on the chip. Was it just his house? All of the members? Did he have Harry's? The main warehouse?

If I were to run a device over his hand, could I extract the data or would it send off an alarm that the data had been duplicated? Knowing my luck, the latter would happen given what I have read from Niall's file.

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