40. Astar - No Trespassing

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An endless amount of love & forehead kisses, 

B. x

"Absolutely not," I breathe out, shaking my head from side to side. The fence is taller than me and will most likely rip my joggers. I don't fancy getting stuck on top of the fence with my entire ass out, I'm sure Harry would love that sight though considering he's probably the one giving me the boost.

"You're out of your mind, Harry." I then gesture to the No Trespassing sign incessantly, tapping on it so it makes a noise. "Are you illiterate as well?"

Harry just scoffs at the signs' existence and shakes his head, moving to get down on one knee and cup his hand. "Quit worrying that pretty little head of yours and accept my help," he hums, "Come on. We're already here, Little Devil. Might as well go through with it."

The thing is, he isn't wrong and that's an issue.

"What about cops?" I ask. "You think someone isn't going to see us and alert the authorities?"

"Oh, Law enforcement won't be an issue," he shakes his head and his voice is full of confidence. Funny. Somehow, I find myself believing him even if a small part of me doesn't. This entire moment is nothing but a massive red flag but then again, Harry himself is honestly a massive walking red flag.

Even though he's red, I still associate him with green. Even after everything. He's still green. Calm. Serenity. Serendipity. Halcyon Days. Shelter. Safety.

In the end, I decide that fuck it. He's right. We're already here and I don't exactly know where we are so an uber is out of the question. Would I even get reception? I highly doubt it.

So, I place my hands down onto Harry's shoulder, firmly gripping him as I then place my foot in his hands.

"Should honestly kiss my foot at this point for the shit you've put me through," I grumble under my breath, not expecting him to hear me but he snorts.

"Sorry, darling. Not into feet but who knows. Maybe one day," he shrugs, giving me a countdown before he's hoisting me upwards and I'm gripping onto the fence with everything in me. I make sure to slide my shoe into one of the holes on the chain-link fence, catching my balance before finally gaining enough courage to hoist myself over and land successfully on my feet.

I've jumped plenty of fences in my time in the MI6 and before being in the MI6, however, none were ever this fucking high.

I dust off my joggers once I stick the landing, looking around for any nags that happened on the way down but don't find any so I look up to watch Harry.

He's now taken a few steps back, seeming to hype himself up a bit before he takes off running and there's no way this is ending well. The man runs in the weirdest of ways. It's like he goes against the wind instead of with the wind. Somehow though, he manages to catch some air and he's scaling the fence with ease.

I need to quit doubting him and remind myself that he's literally the leader of a deadly gang. Half of the time he doesn't act the part, but he is. He's lethal. He's probably jumped enough fences to know that this one was doable before even scaling it. One look and he probably knew we were good to go.

Harry sticks the landing with ease, not even bending his knees to stabilize himself.

"No struggle-McGee over here," I huff, shaking my head as I start walking towards the tarmac.

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